State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

19 May 2024

Fire And Oil

Propter has divisiones charismatum designatur Spiritus sanctus, nunc per ignem, nunc per oleum, nunc per vinum, nunc per aquam. Ignis est, quia semper ad diligendum accendit, quia semel eo accensus ardere, id est ardenter diligere non desistit. Ignem, inquit, veni mittere in terram et quid volo nisi ut ardeat? De hoc igne dicit Moyses: Ignis semper ardebit in altari. Et Jeremias: Factus est in corde meo quasi ignis exaestuans, claususque in ossibus meis, et defeci non sustinens. Spiritus sanctus oleum est ratione diversarum similitudinum. Natura enim olei est quod interomnes liquores superiorem locem semper tenet. Sic et gratia Spiritus sancti, qui abundantia suae pietatis merita supplicum excedit et vota, excellentior est omnibus donis et omnibus bonis. Oleum medicinale est, quia dolores mitigat, sed et Spiritus sanctus vere oleum est, quia consolator est, qui consolatur nos in omni tribulatione nostra. Oleum naturam habet immiscibilem: nam est Spiritus sanctus fons est, cui non communicat alienus. Oleum aquis omnibus superfertur; nam et Spiritus sanctus ferebatur super aquas. Anteqam Petrus accepisset Spiritum sanctum, erat caro ejus infirma, ad novem ancillae times et negans;sed postquam indutus est virtute ex alto, et unxit eum oleo Deus misericordiae suae, immutata est caro propter oleum, atque, juxta verum Isaiae, datum est ei oleum gaudii pro luctu, et pallium laudis pro spiritu moeroris. Hoc est oleum laetitiae, quo Christus unctus est prae participibus suis, abundanter et super effluenter infusum est oleum capiti nostro, id est Christo; unguentum vero quod erat in capite descnedit non solum in barbam, sed etiam in oram vestimenti. Haec est unctio de qua Joannes in canonica Epistola loquens, ait: Unctio quam acceptistis a Deo, maneat in vobis. Et non erit vobis necesse ut quis vos doceat, quia unctio ejus docebit vos de omnibus. Habemus itaque quia Spiritus sanctus nunc per ignem, nunc per oleum designatur. Bis enim est datus Spiritus sanctus apostolis: prius ante passionem, secundo post resurrectionem. Nam et David bis unctus fuisse legitur, et in veste sacerdotali coccus bis tinctus apponebatur. Vide quanta est ardoris materia in apostolis: non sufficit oleum infundere, nisi oleum calefiat; non sufficit ignem apponere, nisi ignis olei infusione accendatur. Hoc igne ardentes discipuli, ibant gaudentes a conspectu concilii, in tribulationibus gloriantes. Unde et vox Principis apostolorum haec erat: Si pro Christo patimini, beati. Non solum, inquit, datum est vobis ut credatis in ipsum, sed ut patiamini pro ipso.

Petrus Blenensis, Sermo XXV, In Die Pentecostes

Source: Migne PL 207.636a-c
On account of the difference of gifts the Holy Spirit is signified now through fire, now through oil, now through wine, now through water. He is fire because He inflames with love, and because once inflamed to love by Him, one does not cease to love ardently. He said, 'I have come to place fire on the earth and what do I wish unless that it blaze up?' 1 Concerning this fire Moses says: 'Fire shall always burn on the altar.' 2 And Jeremiah: 'In my heart there was something like a fire blazing up, and it was enclosed in my bones, and I struggled to bear it.' 3 The Holy Spirit is oil by the diversity of its likenesses. For it is of the nature of oil that among all liquids it excels in maintaining its place. So the grace of the Holy Spirit, who by the abundance of his piety exceeeds the merits and vows of prayer, is more excellent than every gift and every good. Oil is medicinal, because is lessens pains, but the Holy Spirit is the true oil because He is the Paraclete who consoles us in all our tribulations. 4 It is of the nature of oil to be unmixable, for even the Holy Spirit is a fount which does not communicate with strangers. And oil floats on water, and the Holy Spirit was borne above the waters. 5 Before Peter received the Holy Spirit, his flesh was weak and he was troubled by the voice of the handmaid and he made his denials, but after he was imbued with virtue from on high and anointed with the oil of the mercy of God, his flesh was changed by oil, 6 and, according to the word of Isaiah, there was given to him 'an oil of joy for sorrow, and a covering of praise for a spirit of grief.' 7 This is the oil of joy, by which Christ is anointed above His fellows, 8 and this is poured out abundantly and with excessive flow on our head who is Christ, an oil which does not only run down the head, but even the beard, and even to the edges of the vestment. 9 This is the anointing concerning which John says in his letter: 'May the anointing which you received from God remain in you. And it shall not be necessary that someone teach you, because His anointing shall teach you everything.' 10 Thus we have it that the Holy Spirit is signified now through fire, and now through oil. For the Holy Spirit was given to the Apostles twice, first before the Passion, and secondly after the Resurrection. Even David is said to have been anointed twice, and the sacredotal vestment was twice anointed with scarlet. 11 See how great the fuel of love was in the Apostles. It is not enough to pour on oil unless the oil gives heat. It is not enough to apply fire unless by the infusion of oil it blazes up. Blazing with this fire the disciples went rejoicing from the sight of the counsel, glorying in tribulation. 12 Whence even the voice of the prince of Apostles said: 'If you suffer for Christ you are blessed.' 13 And it says: 'Not only has it been given to you to believe in Him, but to suffer for Him.' 14

Peter of Blois, from Sermon 35, On the Feast Of Pentecost

1 Lk 12.49
2 Levit 6.12
3 Jerem 20.9
4 2 Cor 1.3-4
5 Gen 1.2
6 Ps 108.24
7 Isaiah 61.3
8 Ps 44.8
9 Ps 132.2
10 1 Jn 2.27
11 1 Kings 16,13, 2 Kings 5.3, Exod 28.33
12 Acts 5.41
13 1 Pet 3.14
14 Phil 1.29

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