State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

24 May 2024

From Whom Is Everything

Nobis tamen unus Deus Pater, ex quo omnia, et nos in illo...

Omnia enim ex illo quaeque sunt, ubicumque sunt. Cum autem dicit: Et nos in illo, discrevit nos a caeteris, qui cum ex illo sint, non tamen sunt in illo, dum adhuc non credunt. Et unus Dominus Jesus, per quem omnia, et nos per ipsum. Omnia enim ex Patre quidem, sed per Filium creata sunt. Sed cum dicit: Et nos per ipsum, reformatos nos per ipsum, per quem creati fueramus, significat in Dei cognitione; quia facti per ipsum cum caeteris, post stuporem mentis et ignorantiae nos per ipsum agnovimus mysterium unius Dei. Unum ergo Deum Patrem dixit, et unum Dominum Jesum Filium ejus; ut quia Deus non potest non esse Dominus, similiter et Dominus intelligatur esse et Deus, unum esse Deum et Dominum demonstraret, modum unius principii conservando.

Ambrosiaster, In Epistolam Beati Pauli Ad Corinthios Primam, Caput VIII

Source: Migne PL 17.227a-b
But to us God the Father is one, from whom is everything and we in Him... 1

Everything is from Him, whatever they are and wherever they are. But when he says: 'And we in Him,' he distinguishes us from others, who when they are from Him are yet not in Him while they do not yet believe. 'And one Lord Jesus through whom is everything and we though Him.' Certainly everything is from the Father but created through the Son. And when he says: 'And we through Him' it means us renewed through Him, through whom we had been created, in the knowledge of God, because made through Him with others, after the stupor of the mind and ignorance, through Him we come to know the mystery of the One God. Therefore he says that God the Father is one and one is Lord Jesus Christ His Son, for it is not possible  that God is not Lord, and likewise the Lord should be understood to be God, whence he demonstrates One God and Lord, in maintaining the way of one beginning.

Ambrosiaster, Commentary On The First Letter of Saint Paul To The Corinthians, Chapter 8

1 1 Cor 8.6

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