State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

14 May 2024

Basic Learning

Commendi sunt fideles ut generaliter omnes, a minimo usque ad maximum, orationem Dominicam et symbolum discant; et dicendum eis, quod in his duabas sententiis omne fidei Christianae fundamentum incumbit, et nisi quis has duas sententias et memoriter tenuerit, et ex toto corde crediderit, et in oratione saepissime frequentaverit, catholicus esse non poterit. Constitutum namque est ut nullus chrismetur, neque baptizetur, neque a lavacro fontis illius suscipiatur, neque coram episcopo ad confirmandum quemlibet teneat, nisi symbolum et orationem Dominicam memoriter tenuerit, exceptis his quos ad loquendum aetas minime perduxit.

Theodulfus Aurelianensis, Capitula ad Presbyteros Parochiae Suae, Capitula XXII

Source: Migne PL 105.198a-b
The faithful are to be exhorted, that is, all in general, from the least to the greatest, that they should learn the Lord's Prayer and the Apostles' Creed, and let it be told to them that in these two works is found the complete foundation of the Christian faith, and unless someone commits these two works to his memory, and believes them with his whole heart, and frequently takes to them in prayer, he cannot be a Catholic. For it is established that no one is to be anointed, nor baptised, nor shall he receive cleansing from the font, nor shall anyone be allowed confirmation by the Bishop, unless he holds in his memory the Apostles' Creed and the Our Father, excepting those whose age utterly precludes the articulation of them.

Theodulf of Orleans, Chapters For His Local Priests, Chapter 22

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