State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

6 Jan 2022

The Wise Men's Service

Deducti igitur, dilectissimi, in Bethleem magi stellae praecedentis obsequio, gavisi sunt gaudio magno valde, sicut evangelista narrauit, et intrantes domum, invenerunt puerum cum Maria matre eius, et procidentes adoraverunt eum, et apertis thesauris suis, obtulerunt ei munera, aurum, tus et myrram. O perfectae scientiae mirabilem fidem, quam non terrena sapientia erudivit, sed Spiritus sanctus instituit! Unde enim hi viri, cum proficiscerentur de patria, qui nondum viderant Jesum, nec aliquid contuitu ejus, quod tam ordinate venerarentur, adverterant, hanc deferendorum munerum servavere rationem? Nisi quia praeter illam stellae speciem, quae corporeum incitavit obtutum, fulgentior veritatis radius eorum corda perdocuit, ut priusquam labores itineris inchoarent, eum sibi significari intelligerent, cui in auro regius honor, in thure divina veneratio, in myrrha mortalitatis confessio deberetur. Et haec quidem, quantum ad inluminationem fidei pertinebat, potuerunt illis credita et intellecta sufficere, ut corporali intuitu non inquirerent quod plenissimo visu mentis inspexerant. Sed diligentia sagacis officii usque ad videndum puerum perseverans, futuri temporis populis et nostri saeculi hominibus serviebat, ut sicut omnibus nobis profuit, quod post resurrectionem Domini vestigia vulnerum in carne eius Thomae exploravit manus, ita ad nostram utilitatem proficeret, quod infantiam ipsius magorum probavit aspectus. Viderunt itaque magi et adoraverunt puerum de tribu Iuda, de semine David secundum carnem, factum ex muliere, factum sub lege, quam non solvere venerat, sed implere. Viderunt et adoraverunt puerum, quantitate paruum, alienae opis indigum, fandi inpotem, et in nullo ab humanae infantiae generalitate dissimilem. Quia sicut fidelia erant testimonia, quae in eo maiestatem invisibilis divinitatis assererent, ita probatissimum esse debebat Verbum carnem factum, et sempiternam illam essentiam filii Dei veram hominis suscepisse naturam, ne vel ineffabilium operum secutura miracula, vel excipiendarum supplicia passionum, sacramentum fidei ex rerum diversitate turbarent, cum iustificari omnino non possent, nisi qui dominum Iesum et verum Deum et verum hominem credidissent.

Sanctus Leo Magnus, Sermo XXXIV, Caput III

Source: Migne PL 54.246b-247b
Led then, dearly beloved, into Bethlehem by obedience to the star which went before them, the wise men 'rejoiced with very great joy,' as the Evangelist has told us, 'and entering the house they found the child with Mary, His mother, and falling down they worshipped Him, and opening their treasures they offered to Him gifts, gold, frankincense and myrrh.' 1 What wondrous faith of perfect knowledge, which was not taught by earthly wisdom, but the Holy Spirit instructed! For why was it that these men, when they came from their homeland, having not yet seen Jesus, having nothing by observation of Him which would so compose their veneration, attended to this way for the offering of gifts? Unless that besides the sight of the star, which attracted the bodily gaze, the brighter rays of truth taught their hearts that before they began their difficult journey they should understand Him who was signified, to Whom was owed in gold royal honour, in incense Divine adoration, in myrrh the confession of mortality. Certainly this, as much as it was the enlightenment of their faith, might have been sufficient belief and understanding for themselves, that they need not enquire with their bodily eyes into that which they had looked on with their mind's fullest sight. But their diligence in wise duty, persevering until they saw the child, performed service for peoples of future times, even for the men of our own age, so that, as it was of profit to us all that after the Lord's resurrection the hands of the Apostle Thomas explored the marks of the wounds in His flesh, 2 so it was useful for us that His infancy should be given witness by the appearance of the wise men. So the wise men saw and adored the child of the tribe of Judah, 'of the seed of David according to the flesh,' 3 'made from a woman, made under the law,' 4 which law He had come 'not to destroy but to fulfil .' 5 They saw and adored the Child, small in size, powerless to help others , incapable of speech, and in nothing different to the generality of human infants. Because, as the testimonies were trustworthy which asserted in Him the majesty of invisible Godhead, so it should be most certain that 'the Word became flesh,' 6 and the eternal essence of the Son of God took up the true nature of man, lest either the ineffable marvels of His works which were to follow, or the torment of sufferings to be inflicted, should disturb the mystery of our Faith by their difference, when no one at all can be justified but those who have believed that the Lord Jesus is both true God and true Man.

Pope Leo the Great, from Sermon 34 Chap 3

1 Mt 2.10-11
2 Jn 20.24-29
3 Rom 1.3
4 Galat 4.4
5 Mt 5.17
6 Jn 1.14

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