State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

21 Jan 2022

Love And Adherence

Tria sunt, quibus Deo spiritualiter adhaeremus, memoria, scientia et voluntas. Memoria quippe quodammodo cujusdam aeternitatis capax est, Scientia notitiae, Voluntas amoris. In his tribus primus homo Deum in memoria tenebat sine oblivione, scientia cognoscebat sine errore, amore affectabat sine alterius rei cupiditate : quumque in his tribus esset homo beatus, in tertio tamen, id est, in amore creatori suo tanto familiarius adhaerebat, quanto dulcius gustabat quam suavis sit Deus. Quanto nimirum major summi boni dilectio, tanto suavior in ea est delectatio, et tanto plenior beatitudo. Licet enim memoria multa praeterita retineat, licet scientia profundissima percipiat, nulla tamen delectatio ibi est, nisi se dulcedo amoris infundat. In rebus itaque ratione utentibus Deus ordinat memoriam, scientiam, et amorem: ut amor ex memoria et scientia convalescat, et illa duo in amore dulcescant. Ex his formatur et firmatur in hominibus quibusdam affectus in Deum, et in se quaedam blanda et socialis communio voluntatum. Denique in creatione hominis foedus et vinculum sociale specialiter commendatur. Non est, inquit Deus, bonum hominem esse solum: faciamus ei adjutorium simile sibi. Et ad majus et expressius unionis indicium unius substantiam de alterius substantia propagavit. Ideo etiam de latere Adae socia ejus assumpta est, ut qui collaterales erant essentia, essent vita et moribus coaequales. Sic natura primitivos amoris affectus in hominum cordibus exaravit, quos sensus interior postea quodam diligendi usu quasi quodam gustu dulcissimae suavitatis adauxit.

Petrus Blenensis, De Caritate Dei et Proximi, Cap. XI

Source: Migne PL 207.881c-882a
There are three things by which we spiritually adhere to God, memory, knowledge and will. Since in a certain manner memory is capable in itself of eternity, knowledge of awareness, will of love. With these three the first man held to God, by memory without forgetfulness, by knowledge knowing without error, by love desiring without care for any other thing, by which three things the man was blessed, in the third, however, that is, in love, he adhered more closely to his Creator, much more sweetly tasting how sweet is God. As greater is the love of the greatest good, so sweeter is the delight in it, and much more complete the blessedness. For it is given to memory to retain many things which have passed by, it is given to knowledge to grasp things most profound, but there is no love there, unless infused with the sweetness of love. Therefore in things which God has ordained for rational use, memory and knowledge and love, so love gains strength from memory and knowledge, and the other two are sweetened by love. From these things the love of God in man is formed and stengthened, and in itself is a certain pleasant and sociable communion of wills. Finally in the creation of man a social alliance and bond is especially commended. 'It is not good,' God said, 'for man to be alone, let us make a helper for him like him.' 1 And for a better and more expressive sign of union, from the substance of the one the substance of the other was brought forth. Therefore even from the side of Adam his companion was taken, so that they were of the same essence, being equals in life and ways. So the nature of these first ones moved by love was inscribed in the hearts of men, whose interior sense, after the act of loving, in the tasting of sweetness in sweetness grew.

Peter of Blois, On Love Of God And One's Neighbour, Chap 11

1 Gen 2.18

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