State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

18 Nov 2021

Planted Together In Death

Si enim complantati facti sumus similitudini mortis ejus, simul et resurrectionis erimus.

Omnia haec ad illam respiciunt quaestionem, ne videatur locum peccandi dedisse, in eo quod dixit. Ubi abundavit peccatum, superabundavit gratia. Ideo in Christi morte nos dicit baptizatos, et commortuos, et consepultos, et complantatos, addens insuper spem simul resurrectionis. Mors enim Christi in Ecclesia lignum vitae est plantatum in medio paradisi. Cui complantatur, qui ei commoritur, ut mortificando membra sua quae sunt super terram, mittat, sicut dicit Propheta, radices deorsum, ut faciat fructum sursum, fructum reflorentis carnis, et innovationis spiritus, in resurrectionis gloria, et germine, et fecunditate sanctarum virtutum.

Guillelmus S Theodorici Abbas, Expositio In Epistolam Ad Romanos, Liber III

Source: Migne PG 180.606a-b
For if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death, likewise will be our resurrection. 1

All this looks to that question, lest it seems to have given a space to sin, in which he said: 'Where sin abounded, grace abounded.' 2 Therefore he says we are baptized into the death of Christ, and are dead with Him, and buried with Him, and planted together with Him, then adds the hope of the resurrection. For the death of Christ in the Church is the tree of life planted in the midst of paradise. 3 With whom he is planted who dies with Him, that in the mortifying of his members which are on the earth, he sends, as the Prophet says, deep roots down, so that he might make fruit above, 4 the fruit of the reflourishing of the flesh and the renewal of the spirit, in the glory of the resurrection, and with the seed and fecundity of the holy virtues.

William of St Thierry, Commentary on Romans, Book 3

1 Rom 6.5
2 Rom 6.1, 5.20
3 Gen 2.9
4 Isaiah 37.31

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