State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

8 Nov 2021

Ignorance And Resurrection

Et repondens Iesus ait illis: nonne ideo erratis, non scientes Scripturas, neque virtutem Dei?

Incipit istius tentationis solutio: habet autem tres particulas, scilicet, ignorantiae increpationem, erroris eorum ostensionem, et resurrectionis mortuorum probationem. Dicit igitur increpando etiam humano iudicio de resurrectione mortuorum loquentem, quam putatis carnaliter debere intelligi, dicentes illud, Quomodo resurgent mortui? quali autem corpore venient? Quia enim Pharisei dicunt quod animali corpore venient cibis egentes, et sexus permiscentes: et quia vobis hoc videtur impossible, ideo negatis resurrectionem, nescientes quid scriptura loquitur, quod resurgent mortui cum corporibus immortalibus: qui cibis non egent, et sexus non permiscent: et ideo erratis nescientes scripturas. Ideo captivus ductus est populus meus: quia non habuit scientiam Erit vobis visio omnium quasi visio libri signati, quem si dederis scienti literas, et dicas lege, dicet: non possum, signatus est enim. Et si dederis eum nescienti literas, et dicas lege,dicet: non possum, quia nescio literas. Obscuratum est insipiens cor eorum. Usque in hodiernum diem cum legitur Moyses, velamen est positum super cor eorum quia infirmitatem morientium intuentes, non putabant mortuos posse resurgere, non intelligentes quod virtute Dei erit resurrectio communis. Erratis nescientes scripturas, neque virtutem Dei. Virtus enim Dei resuscitabit mortuos. Mortui audient vocem filii Dei: et qui audierint, vivent: quia etiam insensibilia Deo, cui omnia obediunt, sensibilia efficiuntur. Ante Deum cui credidisti: quia vivificat mortuos, qui vocat ea quae non sunt tamquam ea quae sunt. Haec enim est virtue Dei quam Saducaeu ignoraverunt. Evigilate iusti: ignorantiam enim Dei quidam habent. Haec cogitaverunt et erraverunt, excaecavit enim illis malitia ipsorum. Et nescierunt sacramenta Dei: et non iudicaverunt honorem animarum sanctarum.

Sanctus Albertus Magnus Commentarium In Evangelium Divi Marci, Caput XII

Source: Volumen 9, p146 pdf 393
And Jesus answering said to them: 'Therefore do you not err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God?' 1

He begins the solution of this testing, and it has three parts, that is, chastisement of ignorance, revelation of error, and the proof of the resurrection of the dead. Therefore He says in chastisement of human judgement, speaking of the resurrecton of the dead, which you think to understand carnally, saying: 'How shall the dead rise? With what body shall they come?' 2 Because indeed the Pharisees say that they shall be animal bodies in need of food, and of either sex, and because this seems impossible to you, so you deny the resurrection, not knowing what Scripture speaks, that when they rise with immortal bodies, they will not need food, and will be sexless, and so you err in ignorance of the Scriptures. 'Therefore my people were led away captive, because they did not have knowledge.' 3 'A vision shall be yours of all things, as the vision of a sealed book, which if you shall give to one who knows letters, and you tell him to read, he shall say: 'I cannot, it is sealed.' And if you give it to one who is ignorant of letters, and you tell him to read, he shall say, 'I cannot because I do not know letters.' 4 'Their foolish hearts are darkened.' 5 'Even until today when the Moses is read, a veil is placed over their hearts,' 6 because observing the powerlessness of the dead they do not think it to be possible that they arise, not understanding the common resurrection shall be by the power of God. 'You err not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God.' 7 For the power of God revives the dead. 'The dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they who hear, shall live,' 8 because even insensible to God, to whom everything is obedient, they shall be made sensible. 'Before the God in whom you have believed, because He gives life to the dead, He calls forth things which are not as things which are.' 9 This indeed is the power of God of which the Sadducees were ignorant. 'Be watchful, you righteous ones, for some are ignorant of God.' '10 'They have thought on these things and they have erred, they have been blinded by their evils. They did not know the mysteries of God, they did not discern the honour of holy souls.' 11

Saint Albert The Great, Commentary On The Gospel of St Mark, Chapter 12

1 Mk 12.24
2 1 Cor 15.35
3 Isaiah 5.13
4 Isaiah 29.11-12
5 Rom 1.21
6 2 Cor 3.15
7 Matt 22.29
8 Jn 5.25
9 Rom 4.17
10 1 Cor 15.34
11 Wisd 2.21-22

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