State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

26 Nov 2021

Disgrace And Satisfaction

Non condundentur in tempore malo, et in diebus famis saturabuntur.

Malum tempus significat diem judicii, quando omnis caro sollicita actuum suorum retributionem compensationemque formidat, sicut alibi dicit: In die mala liberabit eum Dominus. In isto ergo tempore non confundentur immaculati, quibus per gratiam satisfactionis peccata dimissa sunt. Sequitur, et in diebus famis saturabuntur. Dies famis, tempus hujus mundi significant, quando beati esurient et sitiunt justitiam. Nam in resurrectione justis non est tempus famis, sed bonorum omnium aeterna satietas. Ergo in hoc mundo, ubi justi possunt esurire, vel quaerere justitiam, saturabuntur, scilicet, per Scriptures sanctas, per exampla Dominica, per retributiones saepissime repromissas, quibus epulis fideles satiat Christianos. Quapropter devotis promittitur perfecta securitas, ut in futuro judicio non erubescant, et in hoc mundo competentia dona percipiant.

Cassiodorus, Expositio In Psalterium, Psalmus XXXVI

Source: Migne PG 70.263a-b
They shall not be confounded in the time of evil, and in the days of hunger they shall be satisfied. 1

The evil time signifies the day of judgement, when all anxious flesh shall fear regarding retribution and reward for their acts, as he says elsewhere: 'In the day of evil the Lord shall free him.' 2 Therefore in this time the immaculate shall not be confounded, they who though the grace of satisfaction have had their sins forgiven. It follows: 'and in the days of hunger they shall be satisfied'. The day of hunger signifies the time of this world, when the blessed hunger and thirst for righteousness. 3 For in the resurrection there is no time of hunger for the righteous, but they are sated with an eternity of every good. Therefore in this world, where the righteous thirst or seek righteousness, they are satisfied, that is, by the Sacred Scriptures, by the example of the Lord, by the rewards frequently promised, by which He satisfies the faithful Christians with feasts. Whence perfect security is promised to the devout, that they shall not suffer disgrace in the future judgement, and that in this world they will receive appropriate gifts.

Cassiodorus, Commentary On The Psalms, Psalm 36

1 Ps 36.20
2 Ps 40.2
3 Mt 5.6

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