State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

25 Nov 2021

Classes Of Judgement

Teste vero Apostolo, cum quod sine fide agitur peccatum sit, ipsa vero sine operibus fides cum otiosa vel mortua sit deceptores illos praeterire nullatenus animarum debemus, qui contra confirmationem catholicae fidei in qua contineur, quod venturus sit Domnus judicare vivos et mortuos, et saeculum per ignem, et: Qui bona egerunt, ituri in vitam aeternam, qui vero mala, in ignem aeternum, impunitatem omnibus baptizatis promittunt miserrimi scelerum. Ita, inquiunt, pius est Deus et misericors, ut neminem Christianum permittat intrare in infernum. Quanquam verum dicerent, si Christianum fore illum solummodo, qui Christi voluntatem facit, credere possent. Cum vero Peturm audiant dicentem Apostolum: Melius fuerat eis non cognoscere viam veritatis, quam post cognitionem retrosum converti; de quibus, quaeso, dictum conjiciunt? Et cum ordines quatuor sacra teneat auctoritas in judicio extremo futuros: unum scilicet, qui judicet cum Domino; alterum, qui per judicium remuneretur; tertium, qui per judicium damnetur; quartum; qui neque per judicium illum remuneretur, neque damnetur, cum scriptum in Evangelio sit: Qui autem non credit, jam judicatus est; et Psalmistae verbum dicatur: Ideo non resurgent impii in judicio, quasi apertius dicat: Et si quidem resurgunt, non ideo resurgunt ut judicentur, quia jam sint judicati, sed ideo resurgent, ut, receptis corporibus, illuc eant ubi ante saecula sunt destinati, impios autem istos intelligere solummodo debemus incredulos, et minime bapstizatos; quis ergo damnatus tertius ordo tibi videtur, nisi credentium, id est baptizatorum existere, qui pro eo quod fidem habuerunt, sed operibus fidei, quae illic requiruntur, caruerunt, juste damnati in ignem aeternum, qui absque dubio infernus est, ituri.

Ratherius Veronensis, Sermo II

Source:Migne PL 136.700c-701b
When the Apostle bears witness that without faith there is sin, 1 and yet without works faith is worthless or dead, 2 we should certainly not pass over those deceivers of souls who against the assertion of the Catholic faith, in which it is found that the Lord will come to judge the living and the dead and the world through fire, and 'He who has done good shall enter into eternal life, and he who does evil into eternal fire,' 3 promise that by mercy impunity for crimes is given to all those baptised. 'Thus,' they say, 'since God is pious and compassionate, no Christian shall be allowed to enter hell.' Which truth they would speak if they thought that only of him who was a Christian who made the will of Christ. Let them however hear Peter the Apostle saying: 'Better for them not to know the way of truth, than to have known it and turned back,' 4 concerning which, I ask, what can one think? Sacred authority holds that there are four classes in the last judgement to come. One shall judge with the Lord, 5 another by judgement shall receive its reward, the third by judgement shall be damned, the fourth will neither be rewarded nor be damned by that judgement, since it is written in the Gospel: 'He who does not believe is already judged.' 6 And the Psalmist says: 'Therefore the impious shall not rise in judgement.' 7 As if he openly said: And if they rise, so they will not rise to be judged because they have already been judged, but they rise so that receiving bodies, they go to where they have be destined before the ages. For we should understand the impious to be those who do not believe, even if at least baptised. Who, then, does it seem to you is this third class who are damned, unless believers, who though baptised, though they had faith, yet lacking the works of faith, which are required of them, are justly damned to eternal fire and who without doubt will go to hell.

Ratherius Of Verona, from Sermon 2

1 Rom 14.24
2 Jam 2.20
3 Jn 5.29
4 2 Pet 2.21
5 cf 1 Cor 6.3
6 Jn 3.10
7 Ps 1.5

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