State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

20 Nov 2021

Held In Hell

Omnia quae invenit manus tua, ut facias, in virtute tua fac: quia non est opus, et cogitatio, et scientia, et sapientia in inferno quo tu vadis illuc.

Fac quodcunque nunc potes, et labora: quia cum ad infernum descenderis, locus non erit poenitentiae. Huic quid simile a Salvatore praecipitur: Operamimi, dum dies est, veniet nox, quando nemo poterit operari. Quod autem ait: In inferno quo tu vadis illuc, nota ut Samuelem quoque vere in inferno credas fuisse: et ante adventum Christi, quamvis sanctos, omnes inferni lege detentus. Porro quod sancti post resurrectionem Domini nequauqam teneantur in interno, testatur Apostolus, dicens: Melius est dissolvi, et esse cum Christo. Qui autem cum Christo est, utique non tenetur in inferno.

Sanctus Hieronymous, Commentarius Ecclesiasten, Cap IX

Source: Migne PL 23.1086a-b
Everything which your hand finds to do, do it as you are able, because there is no work, or thought, or knowledge, or wisdom in hell, to which you are going. 1

Do now what you can, and labour, because when you have gone to hell, there is no place of penitence. To this similarly the Saviour exhorts: 'Work while it is day, when night comes no man can work.' 2 When he says here: 'In hell, to which you are going,' observe that you should yet accept that Samuel was in hell, 3 and that this was before the coming of Christ, for though there were holy men before, all by the Law were held in hell. However, after the resurrection of the Lord, none of the holy were held in hell, as the Apostle bears witness, saying. 'Better to perish and be with Christ.' 4 For he who is with Christ shall not be held in hell.

Saint Jerome, Commentary on Ecclesiastes, Chap 9

1 Eccles 9.10
2 Jn 11.4
3 1 Kings 28.7-20
4 Philip 1.23

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