State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

10 May 2015

Educating an Empress

Reginam te orbis Romanus suspicit: et quia jam nihil est, quo amplius crescere debeas in rebus humanis, sublimitatibus non contenta terrenis, sacra in Deum fide coelestia desideras possidere, quae verus Filius Dei, in se pie credentibus pollicetur, quae haec quasi una de sapientissimus elaboras, intelligans omnem hanc regni sublitatem nihil profuturam, si non ad coelestem gloriam consequendam verae fidei cognitione et defensione contendas. Et tamen apparet, quam grata sis in Christo Deo et Domino nostro, qui vobis hoc regnum tribuit; cum sollicita interrogatione perquiris, quomodo capitula illa solvantur, quae ab Arianis adversus Catholicos sacrae legis interpretationibus opponuntur. Habens affectum verae fidei, cupis, prout possibile est, intelligere, quod fideliter credis. Quia est tunc magis anima religosa, velut divinis epulis pascitur, cum quod credit, intelligit. Sed et cum exsecreris impias voces haereticorum, tamen religioso studio instrui adversus eos desideras, ut et rationem jam respuas: ne hoc quod exsecraris, quasi ex regni potentia, praesumptionis videatur esse, non probationis.  

De Trinitate, Sive de Fide Contra Arianos, Ad Augustam Flaccillam, Faustinus Presbyter

He has taken you up to the queenship of the Roman world, and since there is now nothing by which you can grow any more in human things, not content with the heights of the earth, you should desire to possess with faith the heavenly realms in God, which the true Son of God, in his own piety to the faithful promises, by which you may ponder like one of the most wise, understanding that this regal height will not profit if it not bring to celestial glory in the true knowledge of faith and that you may strive in its defence. And though it may appear that you may have grace with Christ God and our Lord, who has given to you this kingdom, you should with careful questioning seek after how those writings may be resolved, which the Arians, by interpretation of sacred law, employ against Catholics. Having the feeling of the true faith, you should desire, in so far as it is possible, to understand what you faithfully believe. Because it is then that the religious soul, as it were, feasts at the divine banquet, when it understands what it believes. Even when you execrate the impious voices of heretics, you should desire religious instruction, that you may with reason denounce, unless when you abhor, even with the royal power, it seem to be by presumption not prudence.

On the Trinity, or On the Faith Against the Arians, To the Empress Flacilla, Faustinus the Presbyter

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