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5 May 2015

Lost Books

Quod vero sequitur: Sicut scriptum est in libro justorum, ipsum librum hodie nusquam, neque apud ipsos Hebraeos inveniri posse asseverant, sicut nec librum bellorum Domini, cujus in libro Numeroorum mentio est; neque carmina Salomonis, neque disputationes ejus sapientissimas de lignorum, herbarumque omnium, item jumentorum, volucrum, reptilium, piscium; vel quo in libro Verborum dierum dicitur: Reliqua vero operum Salomonis priorum et novissimorum scripta sunt in verbis Nathan prophetae, et in libris Abiae Silonitis. In visione quoque Addo videntis contra Jeroboam filium Nabath, et multa hujusmodi volumina, quae Scriptura quidem fuisse probat, sed hodie constat non esse. 

Sanctus Beda, In Libros Regum, Quaestionum XXX

And it follows: 'As it is written in the Book of the Righteous,'1 which book no longer exists today, nor indeed can it be found among the Hebrews, and likewise with the Book of the Wars of the Lord which is mentioned in Numbers, and neither is to be found the Odes of Solomon, nor his wise discussions of trees and every herb and beast and bird and reptile and fish, nor that book of which it is said in Chronicles, 'The rest of the first and later deeds of Solomon are written in the words of the prophet Nathan in the books of Ahia the Silonite and in the vision of seer Addo against Jeroboam son of Nabat,' and so with many other volumes which were once deemed Scripture but today do not exist.

Saint Bede, On the Books of Kings, Thirty Questions

1 2 Kings 1.18

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