State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

27 May 2015

Flight And Sin

Hoc est autem fugere, abstinere a peccatis, ad similitudinem et imaginem Dei formam virtutum assumere, extendere vires nostras ad imitationem Dei secundum mensuram nostrae possibilitatis. Vir enim perfectus imago et gloria est Dei. Unde Dominus ait: Perfecti estote, sicut et Pater vester qui in coelis est, perfectus est. Hoc est igitur similem esse Dei, habere justitiam, habere sapientiam, et in virtute esse perfectum. Deus enim est sine peccato. Et ideo qui peccatum fugit, ad imaginem est Dei.

Sanctus Ambrosius Mediolanensis, De Fuga Saeculi

Source: Migne PL 14.578c
This is what it is to flee: to abstain from sin, to take up the form of the virtues to a likeness and image of God, to increase our strength, according to the measure of our potential, to the imitation of God. The perfect man is an image and the glory of God. Whence the Lord says, 'Be perfect, as your Father who in heaven is perfect.' 1 This, therefore, is to be like God: to have righteousness and wisdom and to be perfect in virtue. God is without sin. Therefore he who flees sin is like an image of God.

Saint Ambrose, On Flight from the World.

1 Mt 5.48

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