State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

3 May 2015

Advice to a Community

Melius est enim Deum habere in corde, quam nummos in sacculo. Lectionis sacrae studia inter labores obedientiae vestrae diligentissime exercete, ita ut vel opus, vel libellus in manibus semper videatur vestris, quia in libris sanctis deus loquitur ad hominem, et in orationibus suis homo loquitur ad Deum. Quid dulcius debet esse quam Deum audire loquentem? In his enim et solatia peccator et gaudia benefactor inveniet. Sicut lux laetificat oculos, ita lectio corda. Custodiam oris diligenter observate: verba quae ad aedificationem audientibus faciant semper proferte, quia aliorum salus vestra est retributio.

Alcuinus, Epistola LI, Ad Monachos Vedastinos

Source: Migne PL 100.216b-c
It is better to have God in the heart than money in the purse. Between your works of obedience exert yourself most diligently in the study of Sacred Scripture, and thus either be at work or always be seen with a book in your hand, for in the holy books God speaks to man and in his prayers man speaks to God. What should be sweeter than to hear the speech of God? In such things the sinner may discover consolation and the benefactor joy. As light is a joy to the eyes, so is reading to the heart. Observe custody of the mouth with all care; let your words be for the profitable edification of they who listen, because the salvation of others is your reward.

Alcuin of York, from Letter 51, To the Monks of Vedastinus,

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