State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

29 May 2015

A Humble Counsel

Ταπεινοφρονήσωμεν οὖν, ἀδελφοί, ἀποθέμενοι πᾶσαν ἀλαζονείαν καὶ τῦφος καὶ ἀφροσύνην καὶ ὀργάς, καὶ ποιήσωμεν τὸ γεγραμμένον· λέγει γὰρ τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ ἅγιον· Μὴ καυχάσθω ὁ σοφὸς ἐν τῇ σοφίᾳ αὐτοῦ μηδὲ ὁ ἰσχυρὸς ἐν τῇ ἰσχύϊ αὐτοῦ μηδὲ ὁ πλούσιος ἐν τῷ πλούτῳ αὐτοῦ, ἀλλ’ ὁ καυχώμενος ἐν κυρίῳ καυχάσθω, τοῦ ἐκζητεῖν αὐτὸν καὶ ποιεῖν κρίμα καὶ δικαιοσύνην· μάλιστα μεμνημένοι τῶν λόγων τοῦ κυρίου Ἰησοῦ, οὓς ἐλάλησεν διδάσκων ἐπιείκειαν καὶ μακροθυμίαν· Οὕτως γὰρ εἶπεν· Ἐλεᾶτε, ἵνα ἐλεηθῆτε· ἀφίετε, ἵνα ἀφεθῇ ὑμῖν· ὡς ποιεῖτε, οὕτω ποιηθήσεται ὑμῖν· ὡς δίδοτε, οὕτως δοθήσεται ὑμῖν· ὡς κρίνετε, οὕτως κριθήσεσθε· ὡς χρηστεύεσθε, οὕτως χρηστευθήσεται ὑμῖν· ᾧ μέτρῳ μετρεῖτε, ἐν αὐτῷ μετρηθήσεται ὑμῖν.Ταύτῃ τῇ ἐντολῇ καὶ τοῖς παραγγέλμασιν τούτοις στηρίξωμεν ἑαυτοὺς εἰς τὸ πορεύεσθαι ὑπηκόους ὄντας τοῖς ἁγιοπρεπέσι λόγοις αὐτοῦ, ταπεινοφρονοῦντες· φησὶν γὰρ ὁ ἅγιος λόγος· Ἐπὶ τίνα ἐπιβλέψω, ἀλλ’ ἢ ἐπὶ τὸν πραῢν καὶ ἡσύχιον καὶ τρέμοντά μου τὰ λόγια;

πιστολή πρὸς Κορινθίους, Ἅγιος Κλήμης Ῥώμης

Let us be humble then, brethren, putting aside all boasting, and pride, and foolishness, and delusion, and let us do what is written; for the Holy Spirit says, 'Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, nor the strong man in his strength, nor the rich man in his riches; but he that would glory let him glory in the Lord, in seeking Him, and doing judgment and righteousness, being especially mindful of the words of the Lord Jesus, those which He spoke to teach us meekness and patience; for thus He spoke: 'Be merciful, that you may receive mercy; forgive, that it may be forgiven you; as you do, so shall it be done to you; as you give, so it shall be given to you; as you judge, so shall you be judged; as you are kind, so shall you receive kindness; with the measure you measure, you shall be measured.' By this command and by these rules let us establish ourselves so that we walk with all humility in obedience to His holy words; for the Holy Word says, 'On whom shall I look, but on him that is meek and quiet, and who trembles at my words?'

Letter to the Corinthians, Saint Clement of Rome

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