State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

17 Jul 2024

Two Ways

Duae sunt viae, una lata ad perditionem, altera arcta ad vitam. Illa quae lata est, multos habet incedentes per se. Illa qua arcta est, paucos capit. In omni enim genere quae pertiosa sunt, rara sunt; quae vilia sunt, numero abundant. Lata autem via est ire quo libet, et facere quod placet. Arcta via est praeceptis regi, et desideria fluxa stringere ad regulam aequitatis. Duae ergo viae sunt, una mortis, altera vitae; et duo populi, malorum et bonorum; et duo reges, diabolus et Christu. Et praecedit uterque exercitum suum, unus ad mortem, alter ad vitam. Christus humilitate, diabolus elatione; Christus puritate, diabolus impuritate: Christus obedientia, diabolus contumacia. Et quem quique ducem sequitur in via, habebit regem in patria.

Hugo De Sancte Victore, Miscellanea, Liber I, Tit LVI De Duabis Viis in Evangelio

Source: Migne PL 177.502c
There are two ways, one wide to ruin, the other narrow to life. 1 The one which is wide has many going along it. Few take the way which is narrow. In every type of thing that which is precious is rare, and that which is vile abounds. The wide way is to go where you will, and to do what pleases you. The narrow way is of the commands of the king, and the binding of fluxing desire to the rule of righteousness. Therefore there are two ways, one of death and the other of life, and two people, the good and the wicked, and two kings, the devil and Christ. And each goes at the head of his army, one to death, the other to life. Christ in humility, the devil in exultation. Christ in purity, the devil in foulness. Christ in obedience, the devil in insolence. And whoever follows in the way of his leader, he shall have the kingdom in his fatherland.

Hugh Of Saint Victor, Miscellanea, Book 1, Chapter 56, on The Two Ways In The Gospel

1 Mt 7.13-14

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