State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

23 Jul 2024

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Adjutor et susceptor meus es tu, et in verbum tuum supersperavi...

Adjutor in praesenti, susceptor in futuro. Et in verbo tuo sperabo, hoc est, in Christo, quia Verbum Patris Filius est.

Declinate a me maligni, et scrutabor mandata Dei mei.

Maligini hic sunt daemones, vitia et peccata, vel adversariae potestates: Quia dum ipsi tibi tendiculas praeparant, et suggestiones pessimas, non potes scrutari mandata Dei tui, ut illa bene intelligas. Sed si volueris poentitentiam agere, segregare te habes ab illorum consortio.

Suscipe me, secundum eloquium tuum, et vivam, et non confundas me ab exspectatione mea.

Vox Ecclesiae optantis ut veniat sponsus et suscipiat eam sponsam sibi, sicut promisit in eloquio prophetarum. Et vivam, in justitia, quia modo mortus sum in peccatis. Et non confundas me, si ille quem exspecto et promisisti veniat mihi.

Adjuva me.

Auxilium rogat; et salvus ero in anima, si veneris et me adjuves, et meditabor in tuis justificationibus semper, sine fine.

Alcuinus, Expositio In Psalmum CXVIII

Source: Migne PL 100.612a-b
You are my helper and He who lifts me up... 1

A helper in the present, and one who lifts up in the future. 'And in your word I hope,' that is, in Christ, because the Word is the Son of the Father.

Begone from me, wicked ones, and I shall study the commandments of God.

The wicked ones are demons, and vices and sins, and hostile powers. Because while they prepare snares, and the worst sort of allurements, you cannot study the commandments of your God, that you might understand them well. But if you choose to become penitent, you shall remove yourself from their presence.

Take me up, according to your word, and I shall live, and you shall not confound me in my hope.

The voice of the Church desiring that her groom come and take her as His spouse, as promised in the words of the prophets. 'And I shall live,' in righteousness, because now I am dead in my sins. And you shall not confound me, if that which I hope for and you promised comes to me.

Help me.

A plea for help. 'And I shall be saved.' In soul, if you shall come to me and help me. 'And I shall meditate on your justifications always.' Without end.

Alcuin of York, from the Commentary on Psalm 118

1. Ps 118. 114

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