State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

22 Jul 2024

Aid And Salvation

Adjuva me, et salvus ero, et meditabor in justificationibus tuis semper...

Superius dixerat, Adjutor et susceptor meus, nunc autem nominum commemoratorum rem precatur, ut quo susceptor est, suscipiat; et qui adjutor, adjuvet. Non abesse a se adjutorium adjuvantis precatur. Non orat ne malignantes non habeat, qui per passionum patientiam fides probatur: sed ut adversus eos adjuvetur orat, quia auxilium a Domino semper orandum est. Sed quemadmodum in superiore susceptus vivet: ita et in hoc adjutus slavabitur. Adhuc enim sibi obeunda mors est, adhunc inferi sustinendi. Tunc salvabitur, cum ex corporea terrenaque natura in spiritalem gloriam transformatus, nullum adversantis inimici periculum metuat, vivat inter electos angelos, sit paradisi incola, et absorpta corruptione ex mortalis immortalis exsistat.

Sanctus Hilarius Pictaviensis,Tractatus super Psalmos, Tractatus in Psalmum CXVIII

Source: Migne PL 9.603b
Help me, and I will be saved, and I shall meditate on your justifications always... 1

Previously he had said, 'My helper and protector,' 2 now he prays for what the names refer to, that he be protected by Him who is the protector, and helped by Him who is the helper. He prays that the help of the helper has not been withdrawn from him. He does not pray that he has no tribulations, for faith is proved by the endurance of suffering, but he prays that he be assisted against such things, since one must always pray for help from the Lord. But as previously he lived by being protected, so he is saved by this help. For while death must yet come to him, he must yet endure what comes upon him. Then he shall be saved, when he has been transformed from a corporeal and earthly nature into spiritual glory, when he shall not fear any threats from a hostile enemy, but live among the elect angels, an inhabitant of paradise, immortal with the corruption of mortality absorbed. 3

Saint Hilary of Poitiers, Homilies on the Psalms, from Psalm 118

1 Ps 118.117
2 Ps 118.1114
3 2 Cor 5.4

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