State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

8 Jul 2024

Calling On The Name

Omnis enim quicunque invocaverit nomen Domini, salvus erit.

Nomen Domini invocat, qui servus Domini esse desiderat; desiderat esse servus ejus, quicunque intelligit nomen ejus. Nomen ejus intelligeunt, qui in semetipsis experiuntur dominatum ejus. Ipsi sunt qui cognoscunt in semetipsis gratiam Dei, et ingrati non sunt, et ideo invocantes nomen Domini salvi sunt. Sic ergo fides Jesu Christi Domini nobis salutem, et quanta nobis hic inchoatur in spe, et quanta dabitur in re. Quod autem dicit, salvus erit, utique sicut a febre, sicut a peste, quia non est sanis opus medicus, sed male habentibus. Si ergo omni invocanti salus promittitur, nec est distinctio Judaei et Graeci, omnibus invocandum est.

Guillelmus S Theodorici Abbas, Expositio In Epistolam Ad Romanos, Lib VI, Caput X

Source: Migne PG 180.655d-656a
For all who shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. 1

He calls on the name of the Lord who desires to be a servant of the Lord. He desires to be His servant who understands His name. He understands His name who in Himself experiences His rule. These are the ones who know the grace of God in themselves, and they are not unthankful, and therefore calling on the name of the Lord they are saved. As therefore faith in Jesus Christ our Lord is our salvation, as much as it begins in hope for us, just as much it shall be given in truth. But because Paul says here, 'shall be saved' it is as from a fever or a plague, because there is no work for a physician with the healthy, but with those who are sick. 2 If, therefore, salvation is promised to all who call, nor is there any distinction between Jew and Greek, for all must call.

William of St Thierry, Commentary on Romans, Book 6, Chapter 10

1 Rom 10.13
2 Mt 9.12, Mk 2.17, Lk 5.31

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