State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

13 Aug 2020

The Shield Of Faith

Super omnia accipientes scutum fidei, in quo possitis omnia jacula maligni ignita exstingere.

Quasi dixerit: In omni opere portate clypeum fidei, ut possitis tecti atque moniti excipere venientes sagittas, et hic atque illuc arte eas bellica declinare. Haec est fides super qua et Abraham post multa opera atque virtutues vix potuit promereri, ita de eo Scriptura diceret: Credidit autem Abraham Deo, et reputatum est illi ad justitiam. Perspicua sunt autem jacula maligni, quae vult mittere in corda nostra per cogitationes pessimas: de quibus unum jecit in cor Judae, ut traderet Salvatorem. Itaque ne principium quidem habere poterit inimicus animae vulnerandae, si tenuerimus scutum fidei: in quo non solum venientia tela franguntur, sed etiam telorum ipse ignis exstinguitur, de quo et propheta complorat dicens: Omnes adulterantes, quasi clibanus corda eorum. Qui hunc umbonem fidei manu forti tenuerit, et confisus in Domino, scierit se a venientibus jaculis esse securum, loquetur intepidus: In Domino confido: quomodo dicitis animae meae: Transmigra in montem sicut passer? Quoniam ecce peccatores intenderunt arcum, paraverunt sagittas in pahretis , ut sagittent in obscuro rectos corde. Cum ergo, inquit, confidem in Domino, qua mihi datis ratione consilium, ut non stem adversum inimicoruum impetus, et jacula quae contra me in pharetris praepararunt, volentes non solum me, sed etiam omnes rectos corde percutere? Ecce sto super petram, et non transmigro in montes tenebricosos: et omnia tela hostium repulsa, in ipsos qui dirigunt, convertuntur

Sanctus Hieronymus, In Epistolam Pauli ad Ephesios, Liber III, Cap VI

Source: Migne PL 26.551c-552a
Over all taking up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the blazing  shafts of the wicked one. 1 

As if he said: In all things bear the shield of faith, that you are able to be covered and wary for the reception of coming arrows, and on this side and on that side with martial skull repel them. This is the faith which Abraham, after many deeds and virtues was able to earn, thus concerning which Scripture says, 'Abraham believed in God and it was reputed to him as righteousness.' 2 Easily seen are the wicked shafts which he wishes to send into our hearts by the worst thoughts, which he cast into the heart of Judas, that he betray the Saviour. Thus the enemy is not able to have any chance of wounding souls, if we have taken hold of the shield of faith, in which not only are the coming shafts shattered, but even the fire of burning arrows extinguished, concerning which the Prophet, bewailing, says: 'All adulterers, as ovens their hearts.' 3 He who thus is able to take hold of the shield of faith in the strong hand, and is confident in the Lord, he knows how to make himself secure against the coming shafts, saying bravely: 'In the Lord I confide, how do you say to my soul, fly off to the mountains like a sparrow? Behold, the sinners bend the bow, and they have prepared their arrows in the quiver, that they shoot in darkness at the upright in heart.' 4 When, then, it says, I trust in the Lord, do you give me this sort of counsel, that I should not stand against the onset on the enemy, who have prepared against me their shafts in the quiver, wishing not only me but even all who are righteous in heart, to pierce? Behold, I stand on the rock, and I do not fly off into the dark mountains. I repulse all the shafts of the enemy, turning them back against those who cast them.

Saint Jerome, Commentary On The Epistle of Saint Paul to the Ephesians, Book 3, Chap 6

1 Ephes 6.16
2 Gen 15.8
3 Hosea 7.4
4 Ps 10.1-2

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