State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

21 Aug 2020

A Chastisment Of Priests

Convenio vos, O prolectarii, uxorii, ac mulierum dominantium ditionibus inserviti, ut quid canonicae santionis jura confundtiis, et a sanctis Patribus institutam puritatis ecclesiasticae regulam violatis? Proh pudor! libidinis vestrae legibus colla submittitis, et promulgata per ora doctorum sancti Spiritus edicta calcatis. Ecce per vos apostolorum labour evertitur, et aedificium, quod doctores Ecclesiae fundaverunt, liquet quod, vobis impugnantibus, obruatur. Et ita fit, ut lex Ecclesiae quam clericalis ordo constituisse dignoscitur, per eumdem rursus ordinem e contrario destruatur. Amnon et Absalon fratres fuerunt, quos unus quidem pater genuit, sed alterum alter exstinguit. Cain trucidavit Abel, malus scilict justum; saepius etiam adulterinus legitimum perimit, sicut Jugurtha, perhibente Crispo, Hiempsal et Adherbal occidit; ita quodammodo spurii fratres legitimos perimuni, cum ii qui se solo nomine clericos prefitentur, sanctorum Patrum judicia destruunt, Et tamquam ipsos videntur exstinguere, quorum non metuunt sententias annullare. Quos videlicet apte significare videtur Abimelech filius Jerobaal, quem Scriptura genitum refert de concubina, quam habuerat in Sichem. Hic enim occidit fratres suos filios Jerobaal, septuaginta viros, super lapidem unum. Quid enim per septuaginta viros, nisi praedictorum Ecclesiae libra signatur? De quibus ait Lucas Evangelista: Quia designavit Dominus  septuaginta, et misit illos binos ante faciem suam in omnem civitatem, et locum, quo erat ipse venturus.

Sanctus Peter Damianus, Contra Intemperantes Clericos

Source: Migne PL 145.388c-389a
I call you to gather around, charmers, wife takers, servants of powerful women with wealth, and ask you why you cast from you the laws of canonical sanction, and violate the rules instituted by the fathers for the purity of the Church? For shame! You submit your necks to the laws of lust and tread under foot the laws of the teachers spoken through the mouth of the Holy Spirit. Behold, by you the labours of the Apostles are overturned, and the building, which the teachers of the Church founded, you dissolve, which by your battering has been overwhelmed. And thus it is that the ecclesiastical law which was established to distinguish clerics, by the opposition of the same order is destroyed. Amnon and Absalom were brothers and one father sired them, but the one slew the other. 1 Cain murdered Abel, the evil man the righteous man; and indeed more often the adulterous one destroys the law abiding one, so Jugurtha, as Sallust bears witness, killed Hiempsal and Adherbal; 2 and thus the spurious bothers destroy the legitimate ones, when those who are clerics only in name, destroy the laws of the holy fathers. And as they seem to have destroyed them, they do not fear to annul the sentences. Which openly seems to signify Abimelec the son of Jerobaal, whom Scripture tells was born from a concubine, which he had in Sichem. 3 He killed his brothers, the sons of Jerobaal, seventy men, over one stone. Why indeed seventy men, unless it signifies the scales of the  preachers of the church? Concerning which Luke said, 'The Lord chose seventy, and sent them in twos before his face into every city and place, which He was to come.' 4

Saint Peter Damian, Against Intemperate Clerics

1 2 Kings 13
2 cf Sallust, De Bello Jugurth 9-13
3 Judges 9
4 Lk 10.1 

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