State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

27 Aug 2020

The Giving Of Faith

Fides igitiur et inchoata, et perfecta, donum Dei est, et hoc donum quibusdam dari, quibusdam non dari dubitet qui non vult manifestissimis sacis litteris repugnare.

Hoc qui non recipit, cujus videtur esse sententiae, nisi dicentis: Fides per quam justificor, ex me est; et hoc bonum, ex quo justus vivit, non accepit per gratiam, sed habeo naturam? Si ergo fides donum Dei non est, frustra Ecclesia pro non credentibus orat, ut credant, et sufficit impiis magisterium legis adhiberi, de qua dictum est, Si ex lege justitiia, ergo Christus gratis mortuus est: quod similiter dici potest etiam de natura. Frustra etiam Apostolus gratias agit Deo pro his qui Evangelium receperunt, cum hoc secundum Pelagianos non Dei est praesitum munere, sed ex sola habeatur hominum voluntate; et frustra quibusdam precatur idem Apostolus, ut sit eis pax et charitas sum fide, a Deo Patre et Domino Jesu Christo, ut jam non solum de fide, sed etiam pace et charitate, superbia haereticorum convincatur dicere, de propiro se has habere virtutes, Quod si haec ex homine sunt, quid obest ut non ex semetipso habeat et caetera bona quae inferiora sunt; cum audeat sibi deputare quae summa sunt, et sine quibus alia, quamvis multa et clara, non prosunt? Non potest itaque merito refutari quod dictum est: Fides igitur et inchoata, et perfecta, donum Dei est: quia eadam et Apostoli vox est dicentis: Gratia salvi facti estis per fidem; et hoc non ex vobis, Dei enim donum est, non ex operibus, ne forte quis extollatur; et: Vobis donatum est pro Christo, non solum ut in eum credatis, sed etiam ut patiamini pro eo: et iterum: Per patientiam curramus ad propositum nobis certamen, aspicientes in auctorem fidei, et consummatorem Jesum. Quibus et plurimis aliis testimoniis divinarum Scripturarum indubitanter agnoscitur quoniam, sicut ab hoc viro definitum est, Fides et inchoata, et perfecta, donum Dei est, et hoc donum, inquit, quibusdam dari, quibusdam non dari dubitat qui non vult manifestissimis sacis litteris repugnare; non putemus hoc veraciter dictum, si omnes homines fideles sunt: sed cum alii credant, aliis vero non credant, dicatque Apostolus, Non enim omnium est fides; quis non videat fidem, quam acceperunt qui habent, non accepisse qui non habent?

Prosperus Aquitanus, Pro Augustino Responsiones

Source: Migne PL 51.193b-194a
Faith therefore in its beginning and in its perfection is a gift of God, and that this gift is given someone, or not given, let no one doubt if he wishes not to be in most manifest opposition to the Sacred Scriptures.' 1 

He who does not receive this, does he not seems to be of the opinion, that he says: 'The faith by which I am justified is from me, and this good by which the righteous man lives 1 is not received through grace but I have it in my nature?' If therefore faith is not a gift of God, vainly does the Church pray for those who do not believe, that they believe, and it suffices that the impious adhere to the teaching of the Law, concerning which is is said: 'If righteousness is from the law, therefore Christ died for nothing,' 3 which is similar to say that it is from nature. Vainly indeed the Apostle gave thanks to God for those who have received the Gospel,4 when according to the Pelagians is it not of God to give the gift, but it comes to be from the will of man alone; and vainly the same Apostle prays for them that they may have peace and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, 5 as already not only concerning faith, but even peace and love, the pride of the heretics is convicted to say that they have these virtues form themselves. For if these things are from man, what prevents that he not possess from himself other goods which are inferior, when he would dare assert that the things that are greatest, and without which the others, although great and fair, do not profit? It is not possible, therefore, for it to be worthily refuted, when it is said, 'Faith therefore in its beginning and its perfection is the gift of God,' because the same voice of the Apostle says: 'By grace you are saved through faith and this is not from us but it is a gift of God; not from works, lest perhaps someone praise himself.' 6 And: To you a gift is given for Christ, not only that you believe in Him but even that you suffer for Him.' 7 And again, 'By endurance we run to the contest set for us, our eyes on the author of faith and the perfect Jesus.' 8 By which, and by other testimonies, the Divine Scriptures undoubtedly acknowledge that, as by this man it is defined, 'Faith in its beginning and perfection is a gift of God, and this gift, he says, given to someone or not given, let not anyone doubt at all who does not wish to be in most manifest opposition to the Sacred Scriptures,' which we may not think correctly said if all men are faithful; but that some believe and some do not believe, let the Apostle tell: 'For not all are faithful.' 9 Who may not see the faith which they have received who have it, and which they have not received do not have it?

Saint Prosper of Aquitaine, Answers For Augustine

1 Aug Predestination of the Saints 1.8
2 Habac 2.4
3 Gal 2.21
4 2 Thes 2.12
5 Ephes 6.23
6 Ephes 2.28
7 Philip 1.29
8 Hebr 12.1
9 2 Thes 3.2

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