State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

18 Aug 2020

Knowledge And The Flesh

Qui enim in carne sunt, Deo placere non possunt.

Sapientes mundi in carne sunt, quia mundi sapientiae student, per quam Dei legi repugnent. Quidquid enim contra legem Dei est, carnale est; quia ex mundo est; totus enim mundus caro est: omne enim visibile carni deputatur; cognata enim sunt carnis immo elementa carnis. Ideoque qui mundanis rebus obtemprat, in carne est.

Vos autem non estis in carne, sed in spiritu.

In carne positi, dicuntur non esse in carne, si asseutientes Joanni apostolo, mundana non diligant; sententia enim hominis suam quasi fingit naturam; ut hoc appelletur, quod sentit.

Ambrosiaster, In Epistolam Ad Romanos, Caput VIII

Source: Migne PL 17.120 a-b
They who are in the flesh, cannot please God...' 1

The wise of the world are in the flesh, because they seek the wisdom of the world, by which they oppose the law of God. For whoever is opposed to the law of God is of the flesh, since he is from the world; all the world is flesh, everything visible may be thought of as flesh, for they are known to be of the flesh, or more correctly to be elements of the flesh. Therefore he who obeys the things of the world, is in the flesh.

You, however, are not in the flesh but in the spirit. 2

In the flesh, they are yet told they are not in the flesh, if in harmony with John the Apostle, they do not love the world. 3 For the knowledge of man fashions his own nature, that he is called what he knows.

Ambrosiaster, Commentary On The Epistle of Saint Paul To The Romans, Chapter 8

1 Rom 8.8
2 Rom 8.9
3 1 Jn 2.15

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