State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

22 Nov 2022

Various Resurrections

Ἐκπορεύσονται οἱ τὰ ἀγαθὰ ποιήσαντες, εἰς ἀνάστασιν ζωῆς· οἱ δὲ τὰ φαῦλα πράξαντες, εἰς ἀνάστασιν κρίσεως.

Τῶν ἀνθρώπων διῃρημένων κατὰ τὴν γνώμην εἰς ἀσεβεῖς ἢτοι ἀπίστους, καὶ εἰς εὐσεβεῖς ἤτοι πιστοὺς, οἱ αὐτοὶ πάντων ἀνισταμένων ἀνθρώπων, ἤγουν ἄπιστοι καὶ ἀσεβεῖς ἀνίστανται μὲν, οὐκ εἰς κρίσιν δὲ, τῷ ἤδη κεκρίσθαι τὸν μὴ πιστεύσαντα. Εἰσὶ δὲ οἱ πιστεύσαντες τῷ Σωτῆρι, καὶ πρὸς τούτῳ καὶ ἔργα πεποιηκότες ἀγαθὰ, οἵτινες ἀνίστανται εἰς ἀνάστασιν ζωῆς, οὐ κριθησόμενοι· τῶν μετὰ τὸ πιστεῦσαι ἠμαρτηκότων εἰς κρίτιν ἐγειρομένων. Τὴν δὲ τῶν βρεφῶν κατάστασιν, ἐπεὶ καὶ αὐτὰ ἀνίστανται, Θεὸς μόνος οἴδεν τάχα, καὶ ὦν ἡ ἀποκάλυψωις τῆς περὶ τούτου ἀληθείας γεγένηται.

Δίδυμος Αλεξανδρεύς, Εἰς Τὸ Κατὰ Ἰωαννην Εὐαγγελιον

Source: Migne PG 39.1645c-1648a
So those who have done good come forth to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgement. 1

According to this passage men are divided into the impious or faithless, and into the pious or faithful, and yet in the raising of all men the faithless and impious are not raised to judgement, since those who do not believe are already judged. 2 But those who have believed in the Saviour and with this have done good works, they rise to the resurrection of life, and not to condemnation, and then besides these, they who have sinned after they have believed, they rise to damnation. Now of the state of infants, how they shall be raised, perhaps God only knows, or those to whom the truth of this has been revealed.

Didymus the Blind, On The Gospel Of St John, Fragment

1 Jn 5.29
2 Jn 3.18

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