State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

24 Nov 2022

Differing Generations

Vae genti insurgenti super genus meum: Dominus enim omnipotens vindicabit in eis.

Genus suum dicit viros cultores Dei, de quo in Psalmo scriptum est Haec est generatio quaerentium Dominum requirentium faciem Dei Jacob. Et contrario est illa generatio, hoc est, prava et perversa, de qua Dominus in Evangelio ait: Ecce ego mitto ad vos prophetas et sapientes et scribas. Ex illis occidetis et crucifigetis, et ex eis flagellabitis in synagogis, et persequemini de civitate in civitatem, ut veniat super vos omnis sanguis justus, qui effusus est super terram, a sanguine Abel justi usque ad sanguinem Zachariae filii Barachiae, quem occidistis intra templum et altare. Amen dico vobis, venient haec omnia super generationem istam. Huic ergo generationi vae erit perpetuum, quia sine ullo fine aeternum illi manet tormentum, justo judice sibi recte retribuente, quae illa antea malitiose in proximos suos egerat; unde subjungitur

In die judicii visitabit illos.

Visitabit utqiue illos, non ut superna cum sanctis mercede coronet, sed ut cum diabolo et angelis ejus perpetuis poenis excruciet in inferno.

Rabanus Maurus, Expositio in Librum Judith, Caput XVI

Source: Migne PL 109.586d-587a
Woe to the people who rise up against my people, for the almighty Lord shall be revenged upon them. 1

His people are those who revere God, concerning which it is written in the Psalm: 'This is the generation of the seekers of the Lord, who seek the face of the God of Jacob.' 2 And on the contrary there is another generation, that is, one which is depraved and perverse, concerning which the Lord says in His Gospel: 'Behold, I sent the prophets to you, and wise men, and scribes, and some of these you killed and some you crucified and some you whipped in your gatherings, and you pursued them from city to city, so that upon you shall come the blood of the righteous man, which has been poured out on the earth, from the blood of the righteous Abel, even to Zechariah the son of Barachiah, whom you slew between the temple and the altar. Amen, I say to you, all these things shall come upon this generation.' 3 Therefore to this generation will come eternal woe, because their eternal torments shall be without end, when they are rightly punished by the righteous judge, they who have worked wickedness against their neighbours, whence it then continues:

On the day of judgement it shall be visited upon them.

It shall be visited upon them that they are not crowned with supernal reward with the saints, but they are tormented with the devil and his angels by perpetual punishments in hell.

Rabanus Maurus, Commentary On Judith, Chap 16

1 Judith 16.17
2 Ps 23.5
3 Mt 23.34-36

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