State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

17 Nov 2022

Scandal And Hell

Si autem manus tua, vel pes tuus scandalizat te; abscinde eum, et proiice abs te: bonum tibi est ad vitam ingredi debilem, vel claudum, quam duas manibus, vel duos pedes habentem mitti in ignem aeternum. Et si oculus tuus scandalizat te, erue eum, et proiice abs te: bonum est tibi cum uno oculo in vitam ad intare quam duos oculos habentem mitti in gehennam ignis.

Docet vitare scandalum passiuum: primo in membris operantibus, et secundo in oculo, qui ordinat et dirigit in opere. Membra autem operantia duo sunt; unum operans generaliter opera, et alterum supportans totum pondus: et illa ponit simul. Et manus quidem significat operantem et auxilliantem amicum, qui vel dando, vel auxiliando, vel operando tenet nos sicut manus: et pes supportantem infirmitatem et pondus significat: et hoc est, quod dicit

Scandalizat te...

Dat tibi causam offendiculi. Pedes eorum ad malum currunt, et festinant, et effundant innoxium sanguinem. Manus vestrae sanguine plenae sunt.


Duo dicit: abiicete scandalizantem primo iubet, et postea ostendit utilitatem. Abiicitur autem dupliciter: et ideo dicit 'Abscinde eum' ab affectu, in quo haeret glutino amoris.

Et poiice abs te...

Exterioris societatis conversatione. Recedite a tabernaculis hominum impiorum etc. Recedite, recedite: pollutum nolite tangere. A carnibus tuis abscinde illam, ne te abutatur. Noli esse amicus homini iracundo, ne forte discas semitas eius, et sumas scandalum animae tuae.

Bonum est tibi ad vitam ingredi...

Tangit utilitatem: et est hoc solum bonum hominis, quod ad vitam ingrediatur, sicut patuit. Quid enim prodest homini, si mundum universum lucretur, animae vero suae deterimentum patiatur.


Manibus, quando tibi non sufficis, et auxiliatorem dimittis. Ecce non est auxilium mihi in me et necessarii quoque mei recesserunt a me.

Vel claudum...

Iacob claudicans accepit promissionem, quando noluit sulciri confortatione mali fatris. Miphiboseth claudus utroque pede comedebat de mensa Regis.

Et si oculus tuus...

Hoc est, qui dirigit te concilio, et providentia vel doctrina sicut oculus. Oculus sui caeco, et pes claudo

Scandilzat te.

Oculus meus depraedatus est animam meam in cunctis filiabus urbis meae. Oculum, qui subsannat patrum, et despicit partum matris suae etc

Erue eum...

Ab affectu. Erue me ab his, qui persequuntur me. Erue me de manu fratris mei: quia valde eum timeo.

Et proiice abs te...

Longe. Odivi ecclesiam malignantium: et cum impiis non sedebo.

Bonum est tibi cum uno oculo in vitam ad intare quam duos oculos habentem mitti in gehennam ignis...

Hoc est, cum dimidio lumine; et hoc est, quando retines lumen conscientiae, et amittis lumen seculare. Cum sedero in tenebris, Dominus lux mea est. Oculi impiorum deficient.

Mitti in gehenna.

Hoc do aliis etiam dictum est: quia tamen oculi ibi in tenebris plorant, et pedes et manus ligati sunt. Proiicientur in tenebras exteriores: ibi erit fletus et stridor dentium. Et de manibus et pedibus: ligaris manibus et pedibus proiicite eum in tenebras exteriores. Vermis eorum non morietur et ignis eorum non extinguetur.

Sanctus Albertus Magnus, Commentarium in Mattheum, Caput XVIII

Source: Here, p320

If your hand or your foot scandalises you, cut it off, and cast it from you; it is better for you to enter into life maimed or lame, than have two hands or two feet and be cast into hell. And if your eye scandalises you, pluck it out, and cast it from you; it is better for you to enter into life with one eye than to be sent into the hell of fire with two. 1

This teaches one to avoid the scandal of the passions, first in the working of members and second by the eye, which commands and directs the work. The working members are two, one working in general and the other supporting the whole weight, and they are set here together. The hand signifies the work and the assitance of a friend, one who either in giving, or aiding, or working, is held as a hand to us. And the foot is the supporter of weakness and weight. And with this which He says,

'If it scandalises you...'

He gives the cause of the offence. 'Their feet run to evil, there they hasten, and they pour out innocent blood.' 2 'Your hands are full of blood.' 3

'Cut if off...'

He speaks of two things: first He commands you to cast off the one who causes scandal and after He shows the usefulness of this. To cast off is twofold: and therefore He says 'cut it off' from affection, by which there is adherence by the bond of love.

'And cast it from you...'

From associating with in exterior society. 'Withdraw from the dwelling places of impious men.' 4 'Withdraw, withdraw, do not touch that which is defiled.' 5 'From your flesh cut her off, lest she ruin you.' 6 'Do not be the friend of an irascible man, let perhaps you learn from his ways, and receive scandal for your soul.' 7

'It is better for you to enter into life...'

He touches on the usefulness of this. It is the one good of man, that he enter into life, as He has made clear: 'What does it profit it a man if he gain the whole world and suffers the loss of his soul?' 8


As regards the hands, when they are not enough for you, and you dismiss your helper. 'Behold, there is no help for me from myself and what is needful withdraws from me.' 9

'Or lame...'

Jacob when lame received the promise, when he was unwilling to be supported by the strength of an evil brother. 10 Miphiboseth who was lame in both feet dined at the table of the king. 11

And if your eye...

That is, one who directs with counsel, and foresight and teaching is like the eye. 'I was an eye to the blind, a foot to the lame.' 12

'It scandalises you...'

'My eye has grieved my soul because of all the maidens of my city.' 13 The eye which scorns the father and despises the womb of the mother...' 14

'Pluck it out...'

From affection. 'Seize me from them who persecute me.' 15 'Seize me from the hand of my brother whom I fear so much.' 16

'And cast it from you...'

Far away. 'I hate the gathering of the wicked and with the impious I will not sit.' 17

'It is better for you to enter to into life with one eye, rather than to be sent into the hell of fire with two.'

That is, when you have half light, when you retain the light of conscience and lose the light of the world. 'When I shall sit in darkness, the Lord is my light.' 18 'The eyes of the impious perish' 19

'Sent into the hell...'

He has said He gives this to others, that there eyes weep in darkness and the feet and the hands have been bound. They are cast out into the darkness outside where there is a weeping and grinding of teeth. And concerning the hands and feet: 'Bind his hands and feet and cast him into the darkness outside.' 20 'Their worm does not die and their fire is not quenched.' 21

Saint Albert The Great, Commentary On The Gospel of St Matthew, Chapter 18

1 Mt 18.8-9
2 Prov 1.16
3 Isaiah 1.15
4 Numb 16.26
5 Isaiah 52.11
6 Sirach 25.36
7 Prov 22.24-25
8 Mt 16.26
9 Job 6.13
10 Genes 32
11 2 King 9
12 Job 29.15
13 Lament 3.51
14 Prov 30.11
15 Jerem 15.15
16 Genes 32.11
17 Ps 25.5
18 Mich 7.8
19 Job 11.20
20 Mt 22.13
21 Isaiah 66.24

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