State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

15 Nov 2022

Saints And Damnation

Quomodo fugietis a judicio gehennae?

Numquid sepulcra sanctorum aedificantes, an potius a malitia corda vestra mundates; numquid sic judicat Deus, quomodo judicat homo? Homo hominem judicat in opere, Deus autem in corde. Quae est autem ista justitia sanctos colere, et contemnere sanctitatem? Primus gradus est pietatis sanctitaem diligere, deinde sanctos, quia non sancti ante sanctitatem fuerunt, sed sanctitas ante sanctos. Sine causa ergo justos honorat, qui justitiam spernit. Quomodo fugietis? Nunquid liberabunt vos sancti, quorum monumenta ornatis? Non possunt sancti amici esse illorum, quibus Deus est inimicus

Rabanus Maurus, Commentariorum In Matthaeum, Liber VII

Source: Migne PL 107.1073b-c
How shall you escape from being sentenced to hell? 1

Are you builders of the tombs of the holy rather than cleansers of your hearts of wickedness? Does God judge as man judges? A man judges a man by his work, God judges the heart. Where is the righteousness in revering the saints and scorning sanctity? The first step of piety is to love holiness, then the saints, because they are no saints before sanctity, but sanctity comes before the saints. Without sense, then, do you honour the righteous, you who scorn righteousness. How shall you escape? Shall the saints free you because you adorn their tombs? Those who are  holy cannot be a friend of those to whom God is an enemy. 2

Rabanus Maurus, Commentary On The Gospel of Saint Matthew, Book 7

1 Mt 23.33
2 cf Opus Imperfectum, Hom xlv Migne PG 56.889

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