State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

3 Jun 2020

Youth And The Spirit

O Domine Deus, non scio loqui, quia iuvenis sum. Et dixit Dominus ad me: Noli dicere: puer sum: quoniam ad omnia quæ mittam te ibis, et universa quæcumque mandavero tibi loqueris.

Ablacio est impedimenti, et continet tria: redargucionem, redargucionis racionem, et impedimenti ablacionem. Dicit egro: Noli dicere quia puer sum, ac si dicat: quia licet etate puer sim, spiritui meo obediens puer non es. Sapienciam enim antiquorum transfundit in ipsum. Docebit vos omnia et suggeret... Unde sense dixerunt: Sedes inter nos, et iudica nobis, quia tibi Deus contulit honorem senectutis. Hoc ergo modo dicit: Noli dicere quia puer sum. Ex ore infancium et lactencium. Hoc significatum est in pueris hebreorum qui sesnsu maturiores vicerunt, quibus malicia impraes extiterunt. Detur parvulis astucia, adolescentibus vero sciencia et intellectus. Tamen quia puer est a puritate dictus, spiritui divino magis est aptis. Ecce ego et pueri mei quos mihi dedit Dominus. Cum autem dicit: Noli, voluntas affirmata manet, et est sensus: Velis non dicere: quia puer sum. Puer enim esse non potest, quem Deus sua sapiencia imbuit: Dabo vobis os et sapienciam cui non poterunt resistere annos adversarii vestri. Quoniam ad omnia, scilicet negocia, que mittam te, ad que negocia mitti virorum est et perfectorum. Ibis secundum obediencie mandata, propter quod dicit: Occuramus omnes in virum perfectum in mensuram etatis plenitudinis Christi. Accinge sicut vir lumbos tuos, interrogabo te et responde. Ergo noli dicere: quia puer sum; puerorum enim in negociis Dei non est occupari. Et universa quecumque mandavero: ad que exigitur memoriam tenacem, intellectum perspicacem et racionem ordinatricem et eloquenciam habere efficacem. Loqueris ad eos ordinate, unicuique quod sibi competit discrete proponens. Loqueris verba mea ad eos. Stillabat super eos eloquium meum. Spiritus enim infusus et sapiencia in corde est, et facilitas eloquencie in ore. Non poterat resistere sapiencie et Spiritui qui loquebatur.

Sanctus Albertus Magnus Super Jeremiam

Source: here
'O Lord God, I do not know how to speak because I am but a youth.' And the Lord said to me: 'Do not say 'I am a boy,' for to all whom I send you you shall go, and whatever I command you you shall speak.' .. 1

The impediment is removed, and this consists of three things: refutation, reason for refutation and the removal of the impediment. He said, then: Do not say 'because I am a boy' as if he said, 'by my years I am young,' for being obedient to my spirit you are not a boy. 'I shall teach you all things and remind you...' 2 Whence the elders said 'Sit among us and judge with us, because to you God has brought the honour of old age.' 3 Thus in a way He says, 'Do not say I am a boy.' 'From the mouths of infants and weanlings.' 4 This is the meaning of John regarding the children of the Hebrews, 5 who triumphed over their elders with sense, to whom they were unequal in wickedness. 'Let shrewdness be given to the little ones, knowledge to youths and understanding.' 6 However because boy 'puer' is from purity 'puritate', the Divine spirit is more fitting for them. 'Behold, I and my children which the Lord has given me.' 7 When he says 'Do not' the affirmative will remains, and this is the meaning: You wish not to speak 'because I am a boy' but you are not able to be a youth when the spirit of God has filled you: 'I shall give into your mouth wisdom and your enemies will not be able to resist your years.' 8 Because in everything, and certainly in this matter on which I send you, it is a matter on which to send men and those who are mature. You shall go obediently according to my command, on account of which it is said: 'We shall all come to the perfect man according to the measure of the age of the fullness of Christ.' 9 And: 'Gird your lions, man, for I will question you and you will answer.' 10 Therefore do not say, 'because I am a boy' for there is nothing immature in this business of God. 'And whatever I shall command you,' by which he is urged to have a tenacious memory, a clear understanding, ordered reason, and effective speech. You shall speak to them in orderly fashion, explaining carefully to whoever enquiries of you. 'You shall speak my words to them.' 11 'You shall shower over them my speech.' 12 For infused with the spirit and with wisdom in the heart, the ability of eloquence is in the mouth. 'But they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit with which he spoke' 13

Saint Albert The Great, On Jeremiah

1Jer 1.6-7
2 Jn 14.26
3 Dan 13.50
4 Ps 8.3
5 cf Jn 12.13 but actually Mt 21.15
6 Prov 1.4
7 Isaiah 8.18
8 Lk 21.15
9 Ephes 4.13
10 Job 38.2
11 Ezek 2.7
12 Job 29.22
13 Acts 6.10

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