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21 Jun 2020

Father And Son And Judgement

Pater enim non judicat quemquam, sed omne judicium dedit Filio...

Pater non judicat quemquam, quia Patris persona hominem non suscepit, nec in judicio videbitur: sed sola Filii persona, in ea forma quae judicata est injuste, et juste judicabit vivos ac mortuos. Nec enim Filius persona videbitur in judicio in ea natura qua consubstantialis est Deo Patri, sed in ea qua consubstantialis est matri, et homo factus est. Ita intelligendum est: Pater non judicat quemquam, sed omne judicium dedit Filio; ac si diceretur: Patrem nemo videbit in judicio vivorum et mortuorum, sed omnes Filium; quia et filius hominis est, ut possit et ab impiis videri, cum et illi videbunt in quem pupugerunt. Quod ne conjicere potius quam aperte demonstrare videamur, proferimus ejusdem Domini certam manfiestamque sententam, qua ostendimus ipsam fuisse causam ut diceret: Pater non judicat quemquam, sed omne judicium dedit Filio, quia judex forma filii hominis apparebit. Quae forma non est Patris, sed Filii, nec Filii in qua aequalis est Patri, sed in qua minor est Patre: ut sit in judicio conspicuus bonis et malis.

Alcuinus, Commentariorum in Joannem, Lib III, Cap X

Source: Migne PL 100.810d-811b
The Father does not judge anyone, but all judgement is given to the Son. 1

The Father does not judge anyone, because the person of the Father did not assume man, nor in judgement shall He be seen, but only the person of the Son, in that form in which He was judged unjustly, and with justice He shall judge the living and the dead. For indeed the Son shall not be seen judgement in that nature by which he is consubstantial to God The Father, but in that which he is consubstantial with His mother, and was made man. Thus should it be understood: 'The Father judges no one but all judgement is given to the Son.' 1 As if it were said: 'No one sees the Father in the judgement of the living and the dead, but all see the Son, because He is the Son of Man, so He is able to be seen by the impious, when they shall look upon Him whom they have opposed.' And lest we seem to be guessing in this rather than openly demonstrating the matter, we bring forward the certain overt sentence of the same Lord, by which we show that it was for the same reason that He said: 'The Father does not judge anyone, all judgement is given to the Son,' 1 that is, because the judge shall appear in the form of the Son of Man, which form is not of the Father but of the Son; for not in this is there equality between the Son and the Father, but in this the Son is less than the Father, 2 so that in judgement He may be apparent to the good and the wicked.

Alcuin of York, from The Commentary On The Gospel of Saint John, Book 3, Chapter 10

1 Jn 5.22
2 Jn 14.28 

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