State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

6 Jun 2020

Baptism And Trinity

Atque ut haec omnia Divinitate agi plenius perfectiusque propheta dignosceret, in specie columbae sanctus se Spiritus videri dedit, et in voce sermonis Pater audiri: ait enim: Hic est Filius meus dilectus, in qui mihi complacui. Videte et intendite, fratres, quantum gratiae de divina dignatione mortalitas consequatur: nam ut sacratissima redemptionis nostrae mysteria confirmentur et ut manifestius aeterna nobis Trinitas revelaretur, baptizatur Filius in Jordanae. Spiritus sanctificat sacramentum, Pater aperit veritatem.

Sanctus Maximus Taurinensis,Homilia XXIX, De Baptismo Christi

Source: Migne PL 57.290c-291a
And all these things were done that the Prophet might more fully and perfectly discern the Divinity, the Holy Spirit being given to him to see in the form of a dove, and the hearing of the sound of the speech of the Father, when He said, 'This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.' 1 See and understand, brothers, how much mortality may achieve by grace concerning the Divine greatness; for so that the most holy mysteries of our redemption might be confirmed, and so that more manifestly might the Trinity be revealed to us, the Son is baptised in the Jordan, the Spirit sanctifies, the Father reveals the truth.

Saint Maximus of Turin, from Homily 29, On The Baptism Of Christ

1. Mt 3.17, Mk 1.11, Lk 3.22

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