State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

30 Sept 2018

Many Angels, Two Offices

Millia millium ministrabant ei, et decies millies centena millia assistebant ei. 

Non quo iste ministrorum Dei numerus definitus sit, sed, quo majorem multitudinem humanus sermo explicare nequiverit. Ista sunt millia, et istae myriades, de quibus in Psalmis legimus: Currus Dei decem millibus, multiplex millia laetentium, Dominus in eis. Et in alio loco: Qui facit angelos suos spiritus, et ministros suos ignem urentem. Duplex autem angelorum officium est: aliorum qui justis praemia tribuunt, aliorum qui singulis praesunt cruciatibus.

Sanctus Hieronymus, Commentaria in Daniel, Caput VII
A thousand thousand ministered to him and ten hundred thousands thousands attended to him. 1

Not that the ministers of God are given a definite number, for so great is the multitude that human speech is unable to tell it. So they are thousands and they are ten thousands, concerning which in the Psalm we read: 'The chariot of God attended by ten thousands, a thousand multitudes rejoicing, the Lord is with them.' 2 And in another place, 'He who makes his angels spirits, and His ministers burning flame. 3 For twofold is the office that angels have, of some it is to give reward to the righteous, and of others to watch over each in his punishment.

Saint Jerome, from the Commentary on Daniel, Chapter 7

1 Dan 7.10
2 Ps 67.18
3 Ps 103.4

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