State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

7 Sept 2018

Gradual Improvement

Et ascendit per gradus ejus.

Quid enim gradus sunt hujus portae, nisi merita virtutum? Sive enim in cognitione Mediatoris Dei et hominum, hominis Jesu Christi, seu in scientia divini eloquii, seu in ipsa fide quam de illo accepimus, quibusdam gradibus ad altiora incrementa pervenimus. Nemo enim repente fit summus, sed in bona conversatione a minimis quisque inchoat, ut ad magna perveniat. De his gradibus per Psalmistam dicitur: Deus in gradibus ejus dignoscetur dum suscipiet eam. Dum enim sanctam Ecclesiam Dominus suscipit, in gradibus ejus dignoscitur, quia ejus gloria per illius incrementa declaratur. Quantum enim sancta Ecclesia ascendendo profecerit, tantum Deus hominibus ex ejus virtutibus innotescit. De his quoque gradibus beatus Job loquitur, dicens: Per singulos gradus meos pronuntiabo illum. Omnipotentem quippe Dominum per singulos gradus suos pronuntiat, qui per incrementa virtutum quae accipit ei semper laudem suae pietatis reddit. Si quidam gradus in cordis ascensione non essent, Psalmista non diceret: Ambulabunt de virtute in virtutem. Nec mirum si de virtute in virtutem gradus sunt, quando unaquaeque virtus quasi quibusdam gradibus augetur, et sic per incrementa meritorum ad summa perducitur. Aliud namque sunt virtutis exordia, aliud provectus, aliud perfectio. Si enim ipsa fides ad perfectionem suam non quibusdam gradibus duceretur, sancti apostoli minime dixissent: Adauge nobis fidem. Et quidam venit ad Jesum, qui curari voluit filium suum, sed requisitus an crederet, respondit: Credo, Domine, adjuva incredulitatem meam. Pensate, rogo, quod dicitur. Si credebat, cur incredulitatem dicebat? Si vero incredulitatem habere se noverat, quomodo credebat? Sed quia per occultam inspirationem gratiae meritorum suorum gradibus fides crescit, uno eodemque tempore is qui necdum perfecte crediderat simul et credebat et incredulus erat. Hos nimirum gradus Dominus sub messis nomine describit, dicens: Sic est regnum Dei, quemadmodum si jaciat homo semen in terram, et dormiat, et exsurgat nocte ac die, et semen germinet et crescat, dum nescit ille. Ultro enim terra fructificat primum herbam deinde spicam, deinde plenum frumentum in spica. Et cum se produxerit fructus, statim mittit falcem, quoniam adest tempus messis. Semen homo jactat in terram, cum cordi suo bonam intentionem inserit. Et postquam semen jactaverit dormit, quia in spe boni operis quiescit. Nocte vero exsurgit ac die, inter adversa et prospera proficit. Et semen germinat et crescit, dum nescit ille, quia et cum adhuc metiri incrementa sua non valet, semel concepta virtus ad provectum ducitur. Et ultro terra fructificat, quia, praeveniente se gratia, mens hominis spontanee ad fructum boni operis assurgit.Sed haec eadem terra primum herbam, deinde spicam, deinde plenum frumentum producit in spica. Herbam quippe producere est inchoationis bonae adhuc teneritudinem habere. Ad spicam vero herba pervenit, cum se virtus animo concepta ad profectum boni operis pertrahit. Plenum autem frumentum in spica fructificat, quando jam in tantum virtus proficit, ut esse robusti et perfecti operis possit. At cum se produxerit fructus, statim mittit falcem, quoniam adest tempus messis. Omnipotens enim Deus producto fructu falcem mittit, et messem suam desecat, quia cum unumquemque ad opera perfecta perduxerit, ejus temporalem vitam per emissam sententiam incidit, ut granum suum ad coelestia horrea perducat. Cum igitur desideria bona concipimus, semen in terram mittimus. Cum vero operari recta incipimus, herba sumus. Cum autem ad provectum boni operis crescimus, ad spicam pervenimus. Cumque in ejusdem boni operis perfectione solidamur, jam plenum frumentum in spica proferimus.

Sanctus Gregorius Magnus, In Ezechielem Prophetam, Liber Secundus, Homilia III

And he went up by its steps. 1 

And what are the steps of this gate, unless the merits of virtue? Whether in the knowledge of the mediator of God and men, the man Jesus Christ, 2 or in the knowledge of Divine eloquence, or in that faith which from Him we receive, by which steps we come by increments to the heights. For no one suddenly is made perfect, but in the good way beginning little by little a man comes to great things. Concerning these steps it is said by the Psalmist 'God in steps shall be known while he takes her up.' 3  For when the Lord takes up the holy Church, in steps he is known, that is, His glory in increments is revealed. For as much as the Holy Church has risen up, as much God is known to men by his virtues. Job also speaks about these steps, saying, 'With each of my steps I shall confess Him.' 4 Since he confesses the almighty God through each of his steps who by the increase of the virtues which He gives to him ever returns praise by his piety. If someone does not have the steps of ascent in his heart the Psalmist would not say, 'They shall walk from virtue to virtue.' 5 It is not to be wondered if there are steps from virtue to virtue, when every virtue is increased as if by steps, leading by an increase of merits to perfection. For it is one thing to begin the virtue, and another to progress in it, and another to perfect it. For if the same faith was not brought to perfection by steps, the holy Apostle certainly would not have said, 'Increase our faith.' 6 And that man who came to Jesus, who wished to have his own son cured, and asked whether he believed, answered, 'I believe, Lord, help my disbelief.' 7 I ask you to think on this which is said. If he believed, why did he say he did not believe? If someone knows himself not to believe, how does he believe? But by the hidden inspiration of grace on account of his merits by steps faith grows, and at one and the same time this man who does not believe perfectly is believing and not believing. The Lord certainly speaks of these steps under the name of the harvest, saying that the kingdom of God is like a man who throws down seed onto the earth, and it sleeps, and it rises up night and day, and the seed germinates and grows while no one knows it. Of its own accord the earth gives increase, first the shoot, then the ear, then the perfect grain in the ear. And when it has produced the fruit, the scythe is brought, because the time of harvest has come. 8 The man throws down seed on the earth when his heart is filled with good intention. And after the seed that he has thrown down sleeps, because in the hope of good works he rests. And truly it rises up day and night, advancing among adversity and prosperity. And the seed produces shoots and grows, while he knows it not, because though he is not yet able to increase his merit, virtue once conceived leads him to advance. And finally the earth is fruitful, because with grace given, the soul of man of its own will rises to the fruit of good works. But first is the shoot in the earth, then the ear, then the full crop in the ear. Certainly to produce the shoot is the beginning of goodness when it is yet weak. And the shoot comes to the ear when virtue having been conceived in the soul comes to the doing of a good work. And the full crop in the ear is given when now to such virtue he has advanced that he is able to be strong and perfect in his works. And when he has produced the crop, instantly the scythe is brought because the time of harvest is come. For almighty God sends the scythe to the crop produced, and his harvest he cuts, because when he has led anyone to perfected works, He marks his life with the sign of where it will be sent, that his grain be brought to the celestial granary. When, then, we conceive good desires, we place the seed in the earth. And when we begin to work rightly, we are the shoot. And when we grow in progress in the good work, we have come to the ear. And when in the perfection of good works we are confirmed, we yield the good fruit in the ear.

Saint Gregory the Great, On the Prophet Ezekiel, Book 2, from Homily 3

1 Ezek 40.6
2 1 Tim 2.5 
3 Ps 47.4 
4 Job 31.37 
5 Ps 83.8
6 Lk 17.5 
7 Mk 9.24
8 Mk 4.26

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