State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

27 Jul 2018

One Sinless Chastised

Εἰπὲ τῷ μαθητῇ Ναυάτου ὀφρύος· Τί φρυάττῃ ὡς καθαρὸς, ἀνοηταίνων; Τί ἀναμάρτητον σαυτὸν εἰρωνεύῃ; Τί ἀρνῇ τὴν τῆς φύσεως κοινωνίαν; Ἠσαϊας ἀκάθαρτον ἑαυτὸν ἐξαγγέλλει· Δαβὶδ πάντα ἄνθρωπον ψευδόμενον οἴδε, καὶ πάντας ἐν ἁμαρτίαις καὶ συλληφθέντας, καὶ κυηθέντας. Αὐτός τε Θεὸς τοὺς ἐπιμελῶς προσκειμένους τῇ πονηρίᾳ γινωσκει, καὶ χρῄζοντας μόνου φιλανθρωπίας ἐλέου, καὶ σὺ ἀλαζονεύῃ καθαρότητος τῦφον; Ἥ παῦσαι τοίνυν ψευδόμενος, ἢ φαίνῃ ἐξ ὧν πράττεις γελώμενος, ἢ μᾶλλον δυνατῶς αἰσχυνόμενος.

Ἅγιος Ἰσίδωρος Του Πηλουσιώτου, Βιβλίον Πρῶτον, Ἐπιστολή Ρ', Συρῳ Αναγνωστῃ
Say to that disciple of the arrogant Novatian: 'Why do you foolishly glory as one pure? Why do you pretend to be one who has never sinned? Why deny the common nature? Isaiah declared himself unclean. 1 David named every man a liar 2 and that everyone is conceived in sin and born. 3 And God Himself knows how keenly men are devoted to wickedness, and that the lover of men needs only mercy; and yet you blindly boast that you are pure? Either stop lying, or refrain from those things which you do that make you ridiculous, or rather utterly shameful.'

Saint Isidore of Pelusium, Book 1, Letter 100, To Syrus the Lector 

1 Is 6.5
2. Ps 115.11
3 Ps 50.7

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