State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

16 Jul 2018

Seeking Wisdom

Omnia haec tentavi in sapientia et dixi: Sapiens efficiar, et ipsa longius facta est a me, magis quam erat, et alta profunditas, quis inveniet eam?

Dicit se, ut Regnorum quoque testantur libri, ultra omnes homines quaesisse sapientiam, et tentasse ad finem illius pervenire, sed quanto plus quaesierit, tanto minus reperisse, et in mediam demersum caliginem, tenebris ignorantiae circumdatum. Aliter: Vir qui eruditus fuerit in Scripturis, quanto plus scire coeperit, tanto ei in his quotidie oritur major obscuritas. Aliter: Contemplatio sapientiae in hac vita in speculo videtur et in imagine: cum ergo recognitavero in futuro facie ad faciem ejus notitiam revelandam, tunc liquido recognoscam longe me nunc ab ejus notitia dissidere.

Sanctus Hieronymous, Commentarius Ecclesiasten

And I tested all things by wisdom and I said, 'I shall be wise,' and wisdom was made more far from me, more than it was, and the depths of profundity who shall discover? 1

He speaks to himself, as is witnessed also in the books of Kings, 2 that he had sought wisdom beyond all men, and that he tried to reach the end of it, but the more he sought, so the less he discovered, and he was submerged in the midst of darkness, with the shadows of ignorance surrounding him. That is, the man who would be learned in Scripture the more he begins to understand so much more around him does arise a great obscurity. That is, the contemplation of wisdom in this life is as in an mirror and in an image. When therefore I have come to behold in the future face to face His knowledge revealed, then clearly I shall know that far removed from me was His knowledge.

Saint Jerome, Commentary on Ecclesiastes,

1 Eccl 7. 24-25
2 3 Kings 3-4

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