State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

30 Sept 2017

Staying Awake

Nam quod dicis eum vigilias execrari, facit et hoc contra vocabulum suum, ut velit dormire Vigilantius, et non audiat Salvatorem dicentem: Sic non potuistis una hora vigilare mecum? Vigilate et orate, ut non intretis in tentationem. Spiritus promptus est, sed caro infirma. Et in alio loco Propheta decantat: Media nocte surgebam, ut confiterer tibi, super judicia justitiae tuae. Dominum quoque in Evangelio legimus pernoctasse, et Apostolos clausos carcere tota nocte vigilasse, ut illis psallentibus terra quateretur, custos carceris crederet, magistratus et civitas terrentur. Loquitur Paulus: Orantioni insistite, vigilantes in ea. Et in alio loco: In vigiliis frequenter. Dormiat itaque Vigilantius, et ab exterminatore Aegypti cum Aegyptiis dormiens suffocetur. Nos dicamus cum David: Non dormitabit, neque dormiet, qui custodit Israel; ut veniat ad nos sanctus, et Air, qui interpretatur vigil. Et is quando propter peccata nostra dormiet, dicamus ad eum: Exsurge, quid dormitas, Domine? excitemusque illum, et navicula fluctuante, clamemus, 'Magister, salvos nos fac, perimus.'

Sanctus Hieronymus,ex Epistola CIX, Ad Riparium Presbyterum
For since you tell me that he execrates vigils, in doing this, wishing to sleep, Vigilantius does what is contrary to his name, and he shall not hear the Saviour saying, 'You were not able to watch one hour with me? Watch and pray that you enter not into temptation. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.' 1 And in another place a Prophet sings: 'In the middle of the night I arose to confess to you because of the judgments of your righteousness.' 2 In the Gospel we read also how the Lord spent whole nights in prayer 3 and how the Apostles kept vigil all night long when they were shut up in prison, and that with their psalms the earth quaked, and the keeper of the prison believed, and the magistrates and citizens were terrified. 4 Paul says, 'Continue in prayer and watch in it.' 5 and in another place he says, 'Often in vigils.' 6 So let Vigilantius sleep and while sleeping may he be choked by the exterminator of Egypt and of the Egyptians. But let us say with David: 'Behold, He will neither sleep nor slumber who guards Israel.' 7 So will come to us the Holy One and, in Hebrew, 'Air' which is interpreted as the Watcher. 8  And when He by reason of our sins does sleep, let us say to Him: 'Awake, why do you sleep, O Lord,' 9 and let us rouse Him when our little ship is tossed by the waves  crying out, 'Master, save us, we perish.' 10

Saint Jerome, from Letter 109, To Riparius the Priest

1 Mt 26:40-41, Mk 14.37
2 Ps 118.62
3 Lk 6:12 
4 Acts 16:25-38 
5 Col 4:2 
6 2 Cor 11:27  
7 Ps 120.4 
8 Dan 4.10 
9 Ps 43.23
10 Mt 8.25 

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