State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

7 Sept 2017

Advice on Seeking

Nobis etsi quaerendum esset adhuc et semper, ubi tamen quaeri oportet? Apud haereticos? Ubi omnia extranea et adversaria nostrae veritatis ad quos vetamur accedere? Quis servus cibaria ab extraneo, ne dicam ab inimico domini sui sperat? Quis miles ab infoederatis, ne dicam ab hostibus regibus donatiuum et stipendium captat nisi plane desertor et transfuga et rebellis?  Etiam anus illa intra tectum suum dragmam requirebat, etiam pulsator ille vicini ianuam tundebat, etiam vidua illa non inimicum licet durum iudicem interpellabat. Nemo inde instrui potest unde destruitur; nemo ab eo inluminatur a quo contenebratur. Quaeramus ergo in nostro et a nostris et de nostro: idque dumtaxat quod salva regula fidei potest in quaestionem devenire.

Tertullianus, De Praescriptione Haereticorum
Even if we must still seek, and always, yet where should one seek? Amongst the heretics, where all things are foreign and opposed to our own truth, and to whom we are forbidden to draw near? What servant looks for food from a stranger, or hopes for it from an enemy of his master? What soldier expects to obtain bounty and pay from kings who are unallied, I might  say hostile, unless he be a deserter, and a runaway and a rebel? Even that old woman searched for the drachma beneath her own roof, 1 that knocker kept knocking at his neighbour's door, 2 that widow made appeal to a stern but not a hostile judge. 3 No one is able to be instructed by that by which he is destroyed, no man is illuminated by that which is wrapped in darkness. Let us seek, therefore in that which is ours and from ours and by ours:  only insofar as that which is in question preserves the rule of faith.

Tertullian, Prescription against Heretics

1 Lk 15.8
2 Lk 11 5-13
3 Lk 18 1-8

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