State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

17 Nov 2015

Epitaph for Zosime

Accipe me dixit domine in tue limina Christe:
exaudita cito fruitur nunc lumine caeli,
Zosime sancta soror moresque imitata Bonosa,
iam videt et socios sancti certaminis omnes
laetaturque videns mirantes sistere circum,
miranturque patres tanta virtute puellam,
quam suo de numero cupientes esse vicissim
certatimque tenent atque amplectuntur ovantes.
iam videt et sentit magni spectacula regni
et bene pro meritis gaudet sibi praemia reddi.
tecum, Paule, tenens calcata morte coronam,
nam fide servata cursum cum pace peregit.

Epitaphios Zosime

'Receive me, O Lord Christ into your house', she said,
And heard she quickly enjoyed heaven's light,
Zosime, holy sister with conduct like Bonosa,
Already she sees her fellows in the holy struggle
And she is glad seeing them standing around admiring,
The fathers who admire the girl for such virtue,
Each one desiring that she stand with them,
Competing to hold and embrace her exultant.
Now she sees and knows the great kingdom's wonders
And in joy the reward is given to her for her worth.
With you, Paul, with death trampled, she holds the crown,
For she kept faith and completed her journey in peace.

Epitaph for Zosime

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