State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

4 Nov 2015

Epitaph for Maria

Sanctorum gremiis commendat Maria corpus
casta gravis sapiens clemens moderata quieta,
claram sublimis fudit quam partus in auras,
sed placitura deo generis superavit honorem
haec non mortales, sed virginitatis amore
aeternos sortita toros Christiq. petivit
lucem, nullo quae fine tenetur.

tertius et decimus gaudens hanc viderat annus,
conposuit corpus, caelum cum laeta petivit.
texerat haec sacros casto velamine crines,
sed Christum festina petit mundumq. reliquit.

Epitaphios Mariae

Into the lap of the saints Maria commends her body,
Chaste thoughtful wise kind moderate and quiet,
She who born brought with her great light,
But being pleasing to God, her family's honor surpassing,
Not with mortal but with love of virginity
The eternal wedding chamber of Christ she chose,
And sought the light perpetual, which without end she might obtain.
This happy one, seeing thirteen years,
Composed her body and sought heaven with joy.
Covering her sacred hair with a chaste veil
She swiftly sought Christ and the world abandoned.

Epitaph for Maria

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