State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

2 Dec 2019

Peace And Sons Of God

Sequitur, fratres: Beati pacifici, quoniam filii Dei vocabuntur. Magna dignitas paci studentium, cum filiorum Dei appellatione censetur. Bona quidem et haec pacificatio quae fit inter fratres, propter substantiam saeculi litigantes, aut propter vanam gloriam, aut simultates: sed parva haec merces; quia dixerat Dominus in exemplum nostri: Quis me constituit judicem aut divisorem super vos? Jam enim praemiserat: ablata tua ne repetas. Et alio loco: Quomodo potestis credere, gloriam ab invicem accipientes? Potior ergo et sublimior pacificatio intelligenda est a nobis; illam dicam, qua homines gentiles, qui inimici sunt Dei, per instantiam doctineae adducuntur ad pacem: qua peccatores emendantur, et Deo per poenitentiam reconciliantur; qua rebelles haeretici corrgiuntur; qua Ecclesiae discordantes ad unitatem pacemque formantur. Vere enim qui tales sunt pacifici, non solum beati sunt, sed digni merito filii Dei vocabuntur: ipsum enim Dei Filium Christum imitantes, qui pax nostra et reconciliatio ab Apostolo praedicatus est, societatem nominis ejus sortiuntur.

Sanctus Chromatius Aquileiensis, Sermo De Beatitudinis

Source: Migne PL 20.326c-d

It continues, brothers: 'Blessed are the peacemakers because they shall be called the sons of God.' 1 Great is the worthiness of those striving for peace, since they are given the name of sons of God. And certainly good is this peacemaking among brothers, who on account of worldly possessions fall into disputes, or do so for vainglory, or because of hostility, but little is this wealth, because the Lord says for our example: 'Who established me as a judge or divider over you?' 2 For already He had laid down: 'Yours which has been taken do not demand back.' 3 And in another place: 'How are you able to believe receiving honour from one another?' 4 Therefore a greater and more sublime peacemaking must be understood by us, that, I say, which leads gentile men who are enemies of God to peace by presentation of teaching, that which improves those who sin and by penance reconciles them to God, that which corrects rebellious heretics, that which forms to unity and peace sowers of discord in the Church. For truly they who are such peacemakers are not only  blessed but worthy to be named sons of God, for they are imitators of Christ the Son of God, who is our peace 5 and reconciliation, as preached by the Apostle, being appointed to the fellowship of His name.

Saint Chromatius of Aquileia, from Sermon On The Beatitudes

1 Mt 5.9
2 Lk 12.14
3 Lk 6.30
4 Jn 5.44
5 Ephes 2.14

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