State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

8 Dec 2019

Creation And Incarnation

Istae generationes coeli et terrae, quando creatae sunt, in die qua fecit Deus coelum et terram, et omne virgultum agri, omnemque herbam regionis, antequam esset super terram.
Superius septem dies numerati sunt; nunc unus dies dicitur, quo fecit Deus coelum et terram, et omne virgultum agri, et omnem herbam regionis. Hujus diei nomine secundum prophetiam omne tempus hujus vitae significatur, in quo coelum et terra factum, id est, in quo creaturae visibiles disponuntur. Sed quid sibi vult, quod nunc, nominato coleo et terra, adjecit virgultum agri et herbam regionis, et tacuit caetera quae sunt in coelo et terra, vel etiam in mari, nisi quia per virgultum agri invisibilem creaturam demonstrat intelligi, sicut est anima? Dicta autem est virgultum, propter vigorem vitae; herba, propter eamdem vitam nunquam marcescentem. Deinde quod addidit, antequam esset super terram, intelligitur antequam anima peccaret. Terrenis enim cupiditatibus sordidata, tanquam super terram nata, vel super terram esse, recte dicitur. Unde et adjecit: Nondum enim pluerat Dominius Deus super terram, quasi aperte diceret: Antequam peccaret anima, nondum nubibus Scripturarum pluviam doctrinae Dominus ad animam irrigandam concesserat; nondum propter hominem, qui est terra, Dominus noster nubem carnis nostrae assumperat, per quam imbrem sancti Evangelii largissimum infudit. Quod vero subjunxit: Et homo non erat, qui operaretur terram, quia nullus homo operatis est in virginem, unde natus est Christus. Ipse est enim lapis de monte abscissus sine manibus, id est, absque coitu et humano semine de virginali utero, quasi de monte humanae naturae, et substantiae carnis abscissus. Sed fons ascendebat de terra, irrigans universam superficiem terrae. Terra mater virgo Domini Maria rectissime accipitur, de qua scriptum est: Aperiatur terra, et germinet Salvatorem. Quam terram irrigavit Spiritus sanctus, qui fontis et aquae nomine in Evangelio significatur.

Sanctus Isidorus Hispalensis,Mysticorum Expositiones Sacramentorum Seu Quaestiones In Vetus Testamentum, In Genesin, Caput II

Source: Migne PL 83.215b-216b
These are the generations of heavens and earth, when they were created, on the day which the Lord made heaven and earth, and every crop of the field, and every plant of the land, before there was anyone on the earth. 1

Previously seven days were enumerated, now one day is spoken of in which God made heaven and earth and every crop of the field, and every plant of the land. By the name of this day according to prophecy every time of this life is signified, in which heaven and earth were made, that is, in which visible creatures are established. But what does he wish, when now, with the naming of heaven and earth, and the adding of the crop of the field and the plant of the land, there is silence about all the other things in heaven and on earth, or indeed in the sea, unless by the crop of the field it is indicated that unseen creation should be understood, like the soul? For the crop is spoken of on account of the vigor of life, the plants according to the same life never withering. Then because he adds, 'before there was anyone on earth,' is to be understood that time before any soul sinned. For the sordidness of desires is earthly and it is rightly spoken as being born on the earth and as being on the earth. Whence he adds, 'Not yet had the Lord rained upon the earth,' 2 as if it were openly spoken that before a soul sinned the Lord did not permit the rain from the clouds of the teaching of Scripture for the watering of the soul, and not yet did our Lord take up the cloud of our flesh for man who is earth, by which he poured forth the bountiful rains of the Holy Gospel. Since indeed it then says, 'And there was no man who worked the earth,' 2 because there is no work of man in virginity, whence Christ was born. He who is indeed the stone from the mountain which no hand had cut, 3 that is, without coitus and human seed He came from the Virgin's womb, as from the peak of human nature, and was cut from the substance of the flesh. 'But a fountain arose from the earth, watering all the face of the earth.' 4 And here the earth is rightly understood as Mary the Virgin Mother of the Lord, concerning which it is written, 'The earth shall open and send forth a Savior.' 5 Which earth is watered by the Holy Spirit, who by the name 'fountain' and 'water' is signified in the Gospel.

Saint Isidore of Seville, Expositions of Sacred Mysteries or Questions on the Old Testament, On Genesis, Chap 2

1 Gen 2.4-5
2 Gen 2.5
3 Dan 2.34
4 Gen 2.6
5 Isaiah 45.8

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