State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

5 Jan 2015

Translating a Heretic

Timotheus, exstincto ab Alexandrinis Proterio epsicopo, tumultuante adhuc plebe aut voluit, aut passus est se ab uno episcopo in locum occisi episcopum fieri. Et ne contra legem factus merito abjiceretur, ad gratiam plebis, quae Proterium exosum habuerat, omnes quibus ille communicaverat, Nestorianos esse pronuntiat: et maculam conscientiae, temeritate abluendam praesumens, scripsit ad Leonem imperatorem libellum valde suasorium, quem pravo sensu Patrum testimoniis in tantum roborare conatus est, ut ad decipiendum imperatorem, et suam haeresin constituendam, pene Leonem, urbis Romae pontificem et Chalcedonensem synodum, ac totos Occidentales episcopos aliorum adminiculo Nestorianos ostenderet. Sed, favente Deo, a Chalcedonensi concilio hostis Ecclesiae arguitur et confutatur. Vivere adhuc in exsilio iam haeresiarcha dicitur et habetur. Hunc ipsum libellum noscendi gratia ego, rogatus fratribus, in Latinum transtuli, et cavendum praetitulavi. 

Gennadius Massiliensis, Liber De Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis
Timotheus, the previous bishop Proterius having been slain by the Alexandrians, in response to the tumults of the people, willingly or under duress, allowed himself to be made bishop by a single bishop in place of the one who had been killed. And lest he who had been appointed contrary to the law should be deservedly deposed at the will of the people who had hated Proterius, he pronounced all those who had communicated with him to be Nestorians, and boldly presuming to wash out the stain on his conscience, he wrote a very persuasive book to the Emperor Leo, which he tried to fortify by testimonies of the Fathers, used in a perverted sense, for the sake of deceiving the Emperor and establishing his heresy, that Leo, pontiff of Rome, and the synod of Chalcedon, and all the Western bishops were little less than Nestorians. But by the grace of God, the enemy of the church was denounced and refuted at the Council of Chalcedon. He is said to be living in exile, still an heresiarch, and it is likely so. This book of his for learning's sake, by request of the brethren, I translated into Latin and prefixed a warning.

Gennadius of Massilia, Book of Ecclesiastical Writers

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