State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

19 Jan 2015

Saint Joseph And The Apostles

Post quae, mortuo Herode, Joseph per Angelum monetur, ut in Judeam cum puero et matre ipsius redeat. Et revertens cum Archelaum Herodis filium regnare audisset, timuit eo venire; et per angelum monetur, ut in Galilaeam transeat, et in regionis eius civitate Nazareth inhabitet. Reverti ergo ad Iudaeam monetur: et reversus timor. Et rursum visu admonitus, transire ad regionem gentium iubetur. Sed aut timere eum qui admonitus sit non oportuit, aut per angelum deferri admonitio mox mutanda non debuit. Verum typica ratio servata est. Joseph enim aposotolorum habet speciem, quibus Christus circumfurendus est creditus. Hi tamquam Herode mortuo, id est, populo eius in passione Domini deperdito, Judaeis praedicare sunt iussi; missi enim erant ad oves perditas domus Israel: sed manente haereditarian infidelitatis dominatu metuunt et recedunt. Admoniti per visum, sancti scilicet Spiritus donum in gentibus contemplantes, ad eas transferunt Christum, Judaeam missum, sed vitam et salutem gentium nuncupatum. 

Sanctus Hilarius Pictaviensis, Ad In Evangelium Matthaei Commentarius

After which, with the death of Herod, Joseph was warned by an angel that he should return to Judea with his son and his mother. And going back he heard that Archelaus the son of Herod was reigning and he feared to come there, and he was warned by an angel that he should pass into Galilee and dwell in Nazareth a city of that region. 1 Thus he was warned to return to Judea and then he feared to go back; and again in an admonitory vision he was ordered to pass over to a region of the gentiles. But either to fear what has been admonished is not appropriate, nor it is that an angel should so quickly change his counsel. By reason of type truth shall be served. Joseph has the likeness of an Apostle, those the itinerant Christ chose. These with Herod dead, that is, his people lost until the passion of the Lord, were commanded to preach to the Jews, they were sent out to the lost sheep of the house of Israel; but then they feared and fled the domination of an unfaithful inheritance. Warned in a vision, the gift of the Spirit had the saints contemplate the Gentiles, that they bring Christ to them; sent to the Jews but now preaching life and salvation to the nations.

Saint Hilary of Poitiers, from the Commentary On The Gospel Of Saint Matthew

1 Mt 2. 19-23

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