State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

20 Jan 2015

A Synod Reports To A Pope

Delectissimo papae Silvestro Marinus, Afraecius, Natalis, Theodorus, Proterius, Vocius, Verus, Probatius, Caecilianus, Faustinus, Surgentius, Gregorius, Reticius, Ambitausus, Termatius, Merocles, Pardus, Adelfius, Hibernius, Fortunatus, Aristasius, Lampadius, Vitalis, Maternus, Liberius, Gregorius, Crescens, Avitianus, Dafaus, Orientalis, Quintasius, Victor, Epictetus, in Domino aeternam salutem. 

Communi copulas charitatis et unitate matris Ecclesiae catholicae vinculo inhaerentes, ad Arelatensium civitatem piissimi imperatoris voluntate adducti, inde te, gloriosissime papa, commerita reverentia salutamus. Ubi graves ac perniciosos legi nostrae atque traditioni effrenataeque mentis homines pertulimus, quos et Dei nostri praesens auctoritas, et traditio ac regula veritatis ita respuit, ut nulla in illis au dicendi ratio subsisteret, aut accusandi modus ullus aut probatio conveniret. Ideo judice Deo et matre Ecclesia, quae suos novit et comprobat, aut damnati sunt, aut repulsi. Et utinam, frater dilectissime, ad hoc tantum spectaculum interesse tanti fecisses: profecto credimus quia eos severior fuisset sententia prolate, et, te pariter nobiscum judicate, coetus noster majore laetitia exultasset. Sed quoniam recedere a partibus illis minime potuisti, in quibus et Apostoli quoque sedent, et cruor ipsorum sine intermissione Dei gloriam testatur. 

Synodi Arelatensis ad Silvestrum Papam
To the beloved Pope Silvester, from Marinus, Afraecius, Natalis, Theodorus, Proterius, Vocius, Verus, Probatius, Caecilianus, Faustinus, Surgentius, Gregorius, Reticius, Ambitausus, Termatius, Merocles, Pardus, Adelfius, Hibernius, Fortunatus, Aristasius, Lampadius, Vitalis, Maternus, Liberius, Gregorius, Crescens, Avitianus, Dafaus, Orientalis, Quintasius, Victor, Epictetus, eternal greetings in the Lord.

Remaining in the common bond of charity and the unifying chain of the Catholic Church our mother, summoned to the city of Arles by the the will of the most pious Emperor, from there with befitting reverence we greet you, most glorious Pope. We have suffered the grave and pernicious injury to our law and tradition from men of undisciplined minds, the Donatists, men repulsive to the present authority of God and to the tradition and rule of truth, men who had neither any reason for speech in them nor any proper manner of accusation of proof. Thus by the judgement of God and Mother Church, she who knows and approves her own, they have either been condemned or expelled. That, most beloved brother, you had deemed such a spectacle as this worthy of your presence! Indeed we believe that a more harsh sentence would have been passed on them if you had judged together with us, and indeed we would have rejoiced. But you were not able to leave that place where the Apostles sit daily, those whose blood without cessation testifies to the glory of God.

Synod of Arles to Pope Silvester

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