State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

29 Oct 2017

Signs of Enthronement

Produxit filium regis, et posuit super eum diadema et testimonium.

In diademate insigne capitis regium in testimonio designat decreta legis Dei, quibus quid agere rex debeat, qualiter vivere praecipitur. Denique in libro Verborum dierum apertius: Et imposuerunt, inquit, ei diadema, dederuntque in manu ejus tenendam legem. Et magnae utique erat salutarisque prudentiae, ut post tyrannicae impiaeque necem reginae, succendenti in regnum filio regis legitimi, cum ipso regni habitu simul disciplina legis Dei servanda committeretur, ut qui se praelatum populo regendo videret, ipse se regendum divinis legibus subi debere meminisset.

Sanctus Beda, In Libros Regum, Quaestionum XXX

And he brought forth the son of the king and placed on him the crown and the testament. 1

The crown is the sign of kingship, the testament declares the decrees of the law of God by which the king should act and likewise he is commanded to live. Also in Chronicles it is more clearly noted: ' They placed upon him the crown and they gave the law into his hand for holding.' 2 And certainly it was of great benefit and prudent that after the overthrow of the tyrannous and impious queen Athaliah, there succeeded to the kingdom a legitimate son of the king, to whom it was also committed to rule and to guard the laws of God, that he who was brought before the people seem royal, himself ruling by the Divine laws, recalling that he is subject to them.

Saint Bede, On the Books of Kings, Thirty Questions

1 4 Kings 11.12 
2 2 Chron 23.11

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