State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

23 Oct 2017

A Gift of Love

Et omnia dona excedit hoc donum, ut Deus hominem vocet filium, et homo Deum nominet patrem: per his enim appellationes semitur et discitur quis ad tantam altitudienm ascendat affectus. Nam is in progenie carnali et stirpe terrena claris parentibus genitos vitia malae conversationis obscurant, et ipso majorum suorum lumine soboles indigna confunditur; in quem exitum venient, qui propter amorem mundi a generatione Christi non metuunt abdiscari? Si autem ad humanam pertinet laudem ut patrum decus in prole resplendeat, quanto magis gloriosum est ex Deo natis in auctoris sui imaginem refulgere, et illum in se qui eos generavit ostendere, dicente Domino: 'Sic luceat lumen vestrum coram hominibus, ut videant opera vestra bona, et magnificent Patrem vestrum qui in coelis est.' Scimus quidem quod, sicut Joannes apostolus dicit, ' totus mundus in maligno positus est'; et insidiante diabolo et angelis ejus, hoc innumeris tentationibus laboratur, ut hominem ad superna nitentem, aut adversa terreant, aut secunda corrumpant; sed major est qui in nobis est quam qui adversum nos est, et pacem cum Deo habentibus, ac semper Patri toto corde dicentibus, Fiat voluntas tua', nulla praevalere certamini, nulli possunt nocere conflictus. Accusantes enim nosmetipsos confessionibus nostris, et consensum animi carnis concupiscentiis denegantes, inimicitias quidem adversum nos ejus, qui peccati auctor est, commovemus, sed inexpugnabilem cum Deo pacem gratiae ipsius serviendo firmamus, ut Regi nostro non solum obedientia subjiciamur, sed etiam judicio copulemur. Quoniam si in eadem sententia sumus, si quod vult volumus, et quod improbat improbamus, ipse jam pro nobis omnia bella conficiet, ipse qui dedit velle, donabit et posse: ut simus cooperatores operum ejus, et propheticum illud cum fidei exsultatione dicamus: 'Dominus illuminatio mea et salus mea; quem timebo? Dominus defensor vitae meae; a quo trepidabo?

Sanctus Leo Magnus, Sermo XXVI
And every gift this gift exceeds, that God should call man son, and man should name God Father, for by these names we grasp and learn the love which has reached so great a height. For if in  progeny of the body and earthly families those who are born of good parents are soiled by the vices of evil intercourse, and unworthy offspring are disgraced by the brilliance of their elders, to what end will they come who through love of the world do not fear to be cast out from the family of Christ? But if it gains the praise of men that the father's glory should shine in offspring, how much more glorious is it for those who are born of God to blaze with their Creator's image and to show in themselves Him who begot them, as the Lord says: 'Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven ?' 1 Certainly we know, as the Apostle John says, that 'the whole world in evil is placed,' 2 and that by Devil's plots and his angels numberless efforts are made to frighten man in his struggle upwards by adversity, or to spoil him by prosperity, but 'greater is He that is in us, than he that is against us ,' 3 and they who have peace with God and are always saying to the Father with their whole hearts 'your will be done, ' 4 cannot be overcome in struggle, cannot be harmed by any assault. For accusing ourselves in our confessions and denying the spirit's consent to the desires of our flesh, we incite against us the hostility of him who is the author of sin, but secure a peace with God that cannot be destroyed, accepting His gracious service, not only that we may subject ourselves in obedience to our King but also be to joined in free will. For if we are of the same mind, if what He wishes we wish, and disapprove what He disapproves, He will finish all our battles for us, He Who gave the will, will also give the power, so that we may be fellow workers in His works, and with the exultation of faith may give voice to that prophetic song: 'the Lord is my light and my salvation: whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defender of my life: of whom shall I be afraid ?' 5

Pope Leo the Great, Sermon 26

1 Mt 5:16
2 1 Jn 5:19
3 1 Jn 4.4
4 Mt 6:10
5 Ps 26.1

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