State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

26 Oct 2017

Giants of the Earth

Gigantes autem erant in terra in diebus illis. 

Non poetarum more gigantes illos terrae filios vult videri divinae Scripturae conditor: sed ex angelis et mulieribus generatos asserit, quos hoc appellat vocabulo, volens eorum exprimere corporis magnitudinem. Et consideremus, ne forte gigantum sint similes homines cultui studentes carnis suae, animae autem nullam curam habentes: sicut illi qui de terra secundum poeticam fabulam orti, mole corporis sui freti, feruntur habuisse contemptum superorum. An dispares aestimandi sunt qui cum ex anima constent et corpore, mentis vigorem quo nihil habet anima pretiosius, aversantur, et se carnis hujus imitatores velut maternae exhibent stoliditatis haeredes? Itaque in vanum laborant, coelum votis usurpantes superbis, et terrenis operibus incubantes, qui electione inferioris, et contemptu superioris consortii, tamquam voluntariis obnoxii peccatis graviori condemnantur severitate.

Sanctus Ambrosius Mediolanensis, De Noe et Arca, Caput IV

Giants there were on the earth in those days. 1

The author of Divine Scripture does not wish us to see this matter in the manner of the pagan poets whose giants were sons of the earth, for it is said they were born of angels and women, those whom he names with this word 'giant' wishing to express the greatness of body. And yet let us consider that there are perhaps men like giants, worshiping the passions of their flesh and having no care for their souls, like those who according to the tales of the pagan poets rose from the earth relying on the great mass of their bodies and had contempt for the heavens. Should they not be considered different creatures who apart from the soul exist in the body, averse to that vigor of mind of which the soul has nothing more precious, being imitators of the flesh, which shows them heirs of maternal brutishness? Thus in vain they labour who with proud vows would seize on heaven and who brood over the works of earth, who choose what is inferior and have contempt for association with things higher, as with greater severity the chosen sins of the servile are condemned.

Saint Ambrose, On Noah and the Ark, Chap 4

1 Gen 6.4

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