State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

14 Jan 2016

Words And Deeds

Et quia paucorum esset viam angustam invenire, fraudulentiam eorum qui eam se quaerere mentirentur exponit, dicens: 'Attendite a psuedoprophetis, qui veniunt ad vos in vestimentis ovium, etc.' Blandimenta verborum et mansuetudinis simulationem admonet fructu operantionis expendi oportere: ut non qualem quis se verbis referat, sed qualem se rebus efficiat spectamus; quia in multis vestitu ovium rabies lupina contegitur. Ergo, ut spinae uvas, ut tribuli ficus non afferunt: ita ne in istis quidem consistere docet boni operis effectum; et idcirco omnes cognoscendos esse de fructibus. Regnum enim coelorum sola verborum officia non obtinent: neque qui dixerit: 'Domine, Domine,' haeres illius erit. Quid enim meriti est Domino dicere, 'Domine, Domine?' Numquid Dominus non erit, nisi fuerit dictus a nobis? Et quae officii sanctitas est nominis nuncupatio; cum coelestis regni iter obedientia potius voluntatis, non Dei nuncupatio repertura sit? 

Sanctus Hilarius Pictaviensis, In Evangelium Matthaei Commentarius

And because there are few who discover the narrow way, the deceit of those who think themselves to be seeking it is exposed, and it is said, ' Watch for the false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing'. Against pleasant words and simulation of meekness he warns that the fruit of works should be weighed, that we do not look only to someone's words but to the things they produce, for there are many ravenous wolves cloaked in sheep's clothing. So, as with thorn bushes and grapes, as with thistles that do not bring forth figs, so it is taught that neither do these produce good works, and therefore all should be known by their fruit. Indeed the kingdom of heaven is not obtained by the employment of words alone, nor will those who have said, 'Lord, Lord' be inheritors of it. What is merited by saying to the Lord, 'Lord, Lord?'  Will he not be the Lord unless we have said that he is? And what sort of holy service is it to utter a name when it is rather obedience to His will, not the pronouncement of the word God, that finds the way to the Kingdom of Heaven?

Saint Hilary of Poitiers, from the Commentary On The Gospel of Saint Matthew

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