State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

16 Jan 2016

A Theologian Condemned

Grandem sollicitudinem atque excubias super gregem suum pastor habere approbatur. Similiter et ex alta turre causa civitatis diu noctuque cautus speculator observat. Magister providus navis hora tempestatis et periculi magnam patitur animi jactationem, ne procellis atque asperrimis fluctibus navis elidatur in saxa. Pari animo vir sanctus et honorabilis Theophilus, frater et coepiscopus noster, circa salutis commoda non desinit vigilare, ne Dei populus per diversas Ecclesias Origenem legendo, in magnas incurrat blasphemias. Conventus litteris memorati, convenio sanctitatem tuam, ut sicuti nos in urbe Roma positi, quam Princeps Apostolorum statuit et fide sua confirmavit gloriosus Petrus, ne quis contra praeceptum legat haec quae diximus, damnavius, et cum magnis precibus postulavimus, ut Evangeliorum instituta, quae ex ore suo Dei et Christi docuit censura, ab hac recedi omnino non debere, sed illud in memoriam deduci quod Paulus venerabilis Apostolus praedixit atque commonuit: 'Si quis vobis evangelizaverit praeter quod evangelizatum est vobis, anathema sit.' Igitur hoc praeceptum tenentes, illud quidquid est fidei nostrae contrarium, ab Origene quondam scriptum, indicavimus, a nobis esse alienum atque punitum

Sanctus Anastatius I Papa, Epistula Simpliciano

It is befitting that a shepherd should have great care and vigilance for his flock. In similar fashion as from his high tower the cautious watchman keeps watch day and night on behalf of the city. In the hour of tempest and danger the soul of the captain of the vessel suffers great anxiety lest the gale and the rough waves smash his vessel against the rocks. With like soul the holy and honourable Theophilus, our brother and fellow bishop, does not cease to watch over the things that provide for salvation, that God's people in the different churches may not in the reading of Origen encounter grave blasphemies. Informed by a letter of the aforesaid man, we inform your holiness that likewise we who are set in the city of Rome in which the prince of the Apostles, glorious Peter, founded the church and by his faith strengthened it, that no man may contrary to commandment read that which we have mentioned and censured, and we have with many prayers urged the instructions of the Gospels, which from the mouth of God and Christ has taught judgement, from which no one should withdraw, but rather that a man should place in his mind what the venerable apostle Paul said and warned: 'If any preach any other gospel to you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.'1 Therefore holding to this precept, we have declared that whatever was written by Origen and is contrary to our faith is by us rejected and condemned.

Saint Anastasius I, Letter to Simplicianus

1. Gal 1.8

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