State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

12 Jan 2016

Four Kinds Of Apostles

Quatuor autem genera apostolorum sunt. Unum, quod neque ab hominibus est, neque per hominem, sed per Jesum Christum, et Deum Patrem; aliud, quod a Deo quidem est sed per hominem; tertium, quod ab homine, non a Deo; quartum, quod neque a Deo, neque per hominem, neque ab homine, sed a semetipso. De primo genere potest esse Isais, caeterique prophetae, et ipse apostolus Paulus, qui neque ab hominibus, neque per hominem, sed a Deo Patre et Christo missus est. De secduno, Jesus filius Nave, qui a Deo quidem est apostolus constitutus, sed per hominem, Moysen. Tertium genus est, cum hominum favore et studio aliquis ordinatur. Ut nunc videmus plurimos non Dei judicio, sed redempto favore vulgi in sacerdotium subrogari. Quartum est pseudoprophetarum et pseudoapostolorum, de quibus apostolus: 'Istiusmodi, inquit, pseudoapostolorum, operarii iniquitatis, transfigurantes se in apostolos Christi, qui dicunt: Haec dicit Dominus: et Dominus non misit eos.'

Sanctus Hieronymus, Commentariorum in Epistolam ad Galatas, Liber Primus

Source: Migne PL 26.312

There are four kinds of Apostles. The first is the one who is sent not by men nor through men but through Jesus Christ and God the Father. 1 The second is from God but through man. The third is sent by man but not by God. The fourth is sent not by God, nor by man, nor from men, but from the man himself. Of the first type are Isaiah, the other Prophets, and the Apostle Paul himself, who was sent not by man nor through men but by God the Father and Christ. Of the second type are Joshua son of Nun, he who was made an apostle of God but through the man Moses. The third type is when someone is ordained because of the favour and support of the people, as now we see many appointed to the priesthood not because God has deemed them worthy but because they have gained the favour of a mob. The fourth type is of false Prophets and false Apostles, about whom the Apostle says, 'False prophets like these are workers of iniquity, transforming themselves into Apostles of Christ, those who say that the Lord said these things, and the Lord has not sent them.' 2

Saint Jerome, from the Commentary on the Letter of St Paul To The Galatians, Book 1

1 Galat 1.1 
2 2 Cor 10.13

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