State super vias et videte et interrogate de semitis antiquis quae sit via bona et ambulate in ea et invenietis refrigerium animabus vestris

2 Oct 2015

Truth and Deception

Cur, bona Domine, pie Redemptor, potens Salvator, cur tantam virtutem operuisti tanta humilitate? An ut falleres diabolum, qui fallenda hominem dejecit de paradiso? Sed utique veritas nullum fallit. Qui ignorat, qui non credit veritatem, ipse se fallit: qui videt veritatem, et odit vel contemnit, ipse se fallit. Veritas itaque nullum fallit. An ideo, ut ipse diabolus se falleret? Sed utique sicut veritas nullum fallit, ita non intendit ut aliquis se fallat, quamvis hoc dicatur facere, cum permittit. Non enim assumpsisiti hominem ut te notum operires, sed ut ignotum aperires. Verum Deum, verum hominem te dixisti, et operibus ostendisti. Res per se occulta fuit, non studio occultata; non sic est facta ut absconderetur, sed et suo ordine perficeretur; nec ut aliquem deciperet, sed ut quemadmodum opertebat fieret. Et si dicitur occulta; non est aliud quam non est omnibus revelata. Nam, etsi veritas non omnibus se manifestat, nulli tamen se negat. Ergo, Domine, nec ut falleres quod et quomodo faciendum erat, per omnia in veritate perstitisti. Qui ergo se fefellit in tua veritate; non de te, sed de propria queratur falsitate.

Sanctus Anselmus Cantuariensis, Meditatio XI, De Redemptione Humana

Why, good Lord, pius Redeemer, powerful Saviour, why did you hide such power with such humility? Was it to deceive the devil who by deceiving man threw him from paradise? But truth deceives no one. He who is ignorant, he who does not believe the truth, deceives himself. He who sees the truth and hates it or despises it, deceives himself. The truth deceives no one. But was it so that the devil would deceive himself? But as the truth deceives no one, so it does not intend someone to deceive himself, although one may say this when it allows it. You did not assume human nature to hide what was knowable of you but that you reveal what was unknown. True God, true man, you pronounced yourself, and with works you showed it. The thing in itself was hidden, it was not made hidden; it was done not to escape attention, but by the way by which it could be brought to perfection; nor was it meant to deceive anyone but it was hidden that it be accomplished. And if it is said to hidden, it means something not revealed to everyone. For even if the truth does not manifest itself to everyone, it does not deny itself to anyone. Therefore, Lord, neither did you deceive nor did make anyone deceive himself, but everything in truth you established. Thus let anyone who has deceived himself about your truth, not you, but himself deplore for falsehood.

Saint Anselm of Canterbury, Meditation 11, On Human Redemption

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